Father John Green's Permission - Blessing

The Reverend John Raymond Zinn Green

..................................................................September (2)8, 1999

Dear Dav(e),

What a delightful and inspiration(al) letter (September 24 - below).
I am most honored and charmed by your inclusion of my poems on (your)
"Struggling Anglican Website". You truly have my grateful permission
to display my poems! I believe that your creation will have a very
fruitful future in the life of the church and beyond.

I shall send you a "thum(b)-nail biography" a little later on.
You may wish to eithe(r) include or not include it on you website.
I am checking on a suitable photo, but I (am not) finding much such,
thus far.

Loreta echo(e)s my appreciation and enthusiasm.


John Green


I hope these poems don't frighten you. I really have more,
but I wouldn't injure the web site with them!
Please us(e) or not use as you may desire. Many thanks.


Request to Father Green Permission from Father Green

Now the life and writings of Reverend John Zinn Green are An Episcopal Poet in the Church Resources of the Topics of the Memorial Garden and Columbarium St. Paul's Episcopal Church Maumee Ohio website.

This page last updated on 6-15-2023.