My Valentine

Loretta and John Green (Studio of Hahne & Co, Newark, N.J.)

A Valentine Poem for his wife Loretta
By Father John R. Green
An Episcopal Poet

Shown with his blessing

Within my heart of hearts

There is a wondrous shrine;

Shielding a loving flame,

Loretta by name,

My year around Valentine!


October 12, 1952
Wed in Capital to Clergyman

Loretta Irene Sheaffer
Reverend John Raymond Green
of East Orange

Church of the Epiphany in Washington DC readied for Wedding, 2023
Church of the Epiphany
Washington DC

Washington - Miss Loretta Irene Sheaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Sheaffer of Washington, and Rev. John R. Green of 70 South Munn Avenue, East Orange, N.J., son of the late Reverend and Mrs.John H. Green, were married yesterday in the Church of the Epiphany, Dean Frederick Warnecke of Trinity Cathedral, Newark, officiated, assisted by Dr.Carl R. Simon of Keller Memorial Lutheran Church, here. There was a reception in Epiphany parish house.

Mrs. Margaret Keegan was matron of honor. Best man was Rev. Benjamin F. Arelroad Jr., also of Trinity Cathedral. Ushers were George Duffield Jr. and Rev. Herbert Costain.

The bride was formerly employed by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. Mr. Green is an alumnus of the University of West Virginia and Bexly Hall Divinity School of Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. He is a chaplain of the Episcopal Chaplaincy Service of the Diocese of Newark.

(Unknown Newspaper)

The Church of the Epiphany was the scene on Oct 11 of the marriage of Miss Loretta Irene Sheaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Sheaffer, to the Rev.John R. Green. Rev. and Mrs. Green left on a wedding trip to St. Petersburg and Tampa, Fla. They will reside in East Orange, N.J.

The bridegroom is a graduate of the University of West Virginia, the Divinity School of Kenyon College and is now on the staff of Trinity Cathedral.


Green-Sheaffer Newspaper Article

Select picture for full view

Loretta as a baby Loretta as a child Loretta as a young lady

Loretta on her First Wedding Anniversary Loretta and John Green at their First Anniversary Dinner at the Hawaiian Room (10/17/53)

John and Loretta Green with blossoms, 1960 Loretta at work on her typewriter

Loretta and John on couch

Loretta Green and David Watts with Holy Communion, 2001

This page last updated on 2-15-2024.