A poem inspired by
the quiet generousity
of famous
Saint Nicholas
By Father John R. Green
An Episcopal Poet
Copyright © by
John R. Green
Shown with his blessing
A Bishop of the Church,
Nicholas by name,
Honored for
merry and saintly fame;
Gave of his wealth
the poor to relieve,
And to fill children's
stockings on Christmas eve.
But of such kindness,
Nicholas never revealed
That he was the benefactor
of all who were healed;
Until he showered gold that
three maidens might wed,
Nicholas became known for
the loving deeds shed.
Through life and death
glorious legends sprang,
Of banished diseases
his praises rang.
A patron Saint of
children and sailors,
His robes the delight
of princes and tailors.
Ascribed to St. Nicholas,
churches bear his name,
in Europe and England
and Medieval fame.
Through Dutch American's
Christmas joys,
St. Nicholas brought
children candy and toys.
To later Americans,
Santa Claus is his name,
Though he and St. Nicholas
are one of the same.
But giving to others
without seeking reward,
Is truly the Christmas
of our Lord.
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