A poem about freedom singer
Frederick Dietrich
the poetic license name for
famous German classical lyric baritone
Albert Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
whose 1955 singing debut in New York
came as McCarthyism and the
demagogue Senator Joseph McCarthy
were being curtailed
By Father John R. Green
Copyright © by John R. Green
Shown with his blessing
Cut from Auschwitz hellish camp,
Glowing beneath Freedom's celestial lamp;
A concert singer of Manhattan's pride,
With the glory of America nobly allied.
Inhaling deeply liberty's sanquine joy,
All of his soul to employ,
Noble thoughts of mind and heart,
Which cause tyranny's agony to depart.
Of tyranny's beastial teaching,
And hideous cruelty far reaching;
To him known intimately in former days;
Now happily absorbed in America's ways.
Autocracy and holocaust foreign to freedom's land,
Assuring him at National Anthem stand;
Voices are firm against oppression;
Labor is most resourceful in progression.
Applause and rapture from aisle to aisle,
Greeting, acclamation for his concert style;
And performing in benefits his sheer delight,
Glorifying city's culture by day and night.
But soon threatening tragedy began to unfold,
A drama sinister, insidious and bold;
Recalling the terror of the Nazi nation,
And the daily gas chamber devastation.
To soon learn through time and tide,
America's freedom has a fragile side.
Erupting on the Senate floor,
A demagogue's corrupting, frightening roar.
Asserting Communists dominate in places high
And the ruling of the land is rapidly drawing nigh.
Citing celebrated names and faces to bolster his claim;
Their integrity and loyalty for him to defame.
Weeping Frederick Dietrich frantically appalled,
As the Reichstag fire he recalled;
Falsely blaming Communists for the confrontation,
Nazis rallied to seize power over the German nation.
Witnessing little red in his American home,
And decidely none beneath the Capitol Dome;
Wondering therefore the ultimate aim
Of the Wisconsin terror, Joseph McCarthy by name.
Personalities assaulted, the truth blatantly distorted;
Assassination by association, with cruelty grimly reported,
Careers rent asunder, families and neighbors divided;
Paranoia triumphant calls for reason derided.
Haunting recollections of despots rising on European scene,
Voices silent, not protesting liberty's vanishing dream.
Paralyzing fear gripping the nation,
Neither President or Congress in protestation.
Scorning not those of patriotism twisting
Nor praising those and ACLU who were McCarthy resisting.
In the depth of freedom's despair...
inspiriational actions arose
As clergy sounded to arouse the terror's foes
Francis Sayre an ardent, courageous tyranny foe
From the Washington Cathedral...
dealt Joseph McCarthy a devestating blow.
Joined by Dean Pike of St. John the Divine's outreach,
And John Oxman of Washington, the truth to teach.
Memories of German churches cowing under Hitler's breath,
Though some heroic clergy fought him until their death.
Congressmen in opposition now courageously surmount,
Nobly outstanding Flanders of Vermont.
Committee of Senate assuming inspirational form,
Censored Joseph McCarthy no longer can perform.
Spirits once again highly rang,
The celebration of liberty Dietrich sang,
Yet he had learned through sorrow and pain
That freedom will be threatened...
as long as stars wax and wane.
Through singing and service he vowed...
to keep the song of liberty brilliantly ringing.