June, 2004

My Dear Mother,

You were always dear Mother, dear friend.

You were always there for me.

When I needed help with my homework, you listened patiently to my explaining it until I found the answer on my own - especially the math.

You were there to watch me leave home, wishing me well in California, but I knew in your heart that you hoped I would come back home to stay. I never did. One trip you even offered to cook and clean for me if I would return.

Your were there every time I called and needed you. I'd be in tears, couldn't say a word and just asked you to talk. You would tell me all the things you were doing that week and you talked until I felt better.

You were always a warm hug.

You were the best mother ever.

Mommy, I miss you, I wish I had done more for you.

A Rose from Betsey


Betsey Jane

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This page last updated on 7-16-2004.