The Homily
by Reverend Christine Schutz

The Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Timco)

I wish I had known Alice the way all of you knew Alice. The Alice I knew was no longer able to tell me who she was. She was unable to communicate her thoughts and feelings. There were times when I wasn't certain she knew I was there.

I'm sorry that I didn't have the opportunity to meet the real Alice. But, it's not really important if I knew Alice. What's important is that God knows Alice.

Alice might not have been able to communicate well with us. We have to hear what people say, see what they do. God doesn't have those limitations. God knows all of us. God knows what is most important about us and that is our heart.

God never left Alice during her long illness. God was with every second of every day.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if Alice was able to communicate with God - even at the end of her illness. God lives in us. God can communicate in ways we can't. Alice didn't have to be able to talk to be in conversation with God.

God communes with our spirit and I believe that Alice's communion with God continued throughout her illness and continues still.

God has brought Alice home to a place where she can sing and dance. She is with friends and family and with the God who stayed with her and talked with her through all of her life.

Paul tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. God loves all of us whether we are sick or well, whether we can speak to him in words or not.

Jesus tells us that he will never leave us. He tells us that he will raise up those who believe in him. That was the hope that Alice had. That is what she believed. And I firmly believe that her hopes and beliefs have been answered beyond her wildest dreams and she is now in the land of light and joy.

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This page last updated on 7-16-2004.