.............. .............. Lenten Prayer

........... ........... written by Patricia Rudes
............ ............ read after message at
............ ............ Lenten Prayer Service
......... .......... Thursday, February 23, 1961
............. ............. Holy Trinity Chapel
............ ............ (best said than read)

Heavenly Father, Who made us, and from whom every

....good prayer cometh, we humbly beseech Thee to

........open our hearts to the radiance and power

............of prayer.

We have let the world, as we have made it, come

....between us and Thee. Thou art within us; but

........our selfishness has hindered Thee.

Forgive what we have been; help us to amend what

....we are; and in Thy Spirit direct what we shall be.

Grant us, in all doubts and uncertainties, the grace

....to ask what Thou wouldst have us do.

And we pray for our faith to be strengthened; that daily

....we may know in our minds and in our hearts that

........Thou art a good and loving Father, and say,

............Thy will be done.

Dear Lord, we are thankful for our country, in which

....we are free to pray, each in our own way. May

........we be ever mindful that our church is here, a

............symbol of that freedom, for us to worship

................Thee together.

Bless our pastors, and by Thy Divine Presence inspire

....and strengthen them.

Receive our burdens; defend us with Thy power.

Grant us to love Thee with all our being; and to love

....our neighbors both near and far, for Thy sake, that

........the grace of brotherly love may dwell in us and

............envy and cruelty may die.

Help us to remember our responsibilities as Christians

....and as Thy children, and to look ahead to the generations

........of Thy children to come.

Make us understand the relationship between ourselves

....and the turmoil of the world. Make us always mindful

........that each of us has a part, however small, in the

............responsibility to produce men and women for

................all occupations and places of leadership

....................who know Thee as the Lord of life.

We, who seek peace in our homes and in our communities and

....in the world, pray for guidance to do our part.

Dear Lord, we ask Thee mercifully to receive the

....prayers of Thy people who call upon Thee; grant

........that we may perceive what things we ought to

............do, and that we may have the grace and power

................to fulfill them.

This we pray in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ,

....who taught us to say,

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
....Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come;
........Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
............Give us this day our daily bread;
................And forgive us our trespasses, as we
....................forgive those who trespass against us.
........................Lead us not into temptation;
............................but deliver us from evil. For Thine
................................is the kingdom and the power and the
....................................glory, forever and ever.


................ Lenten Prayer by PATRICIA L. RUDES, page 1 ........ Lenten Prayer by PATRICIA L. RUDES, page 2
........ ..................................... Lenten Prayer by Patricia Rudes
........ .............................................. Communicant
........ .............................. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Maumee, Ohio
........ .............................................. May 12, 2023