A Letter From Father John Green

The Reverend John Raymond Zinn Green
"An Episcopal Poet"

Dear Friends,

I rejoice at being an Episcopal Priest for over fifty years. My priesthood has been concentrated in two areas of Christian Ministry.

First, I was appointed by the Episcopal Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, to relate the over one hundred churches and the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark to the Social Problems and needs of the community on the local, State, national, and international scene. I was privileged to play a lead role in resettling over three hundred refugees from behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War.

Second, I pioneered in establishing and serving as a Chaplain in institutions covering mental, medical and surgical, cancer, tuberculosis, geriatric, mental retardation, and correctional activities in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. I was privileged to serve as Chaplain to the then fledgling Sloan Ketterring Cancer Hospital.

I began writing poetry but my chief literary outreach is drama. I was greatly honored in having my play, "The Easter of Claudia" recently performed at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Maumee and in several other Episcopal churches in the greater area of Toledo, Ohio.

And ever associated with and vital to my ministry has been my beloved and devoted wife, Loretta Irene Green.

May my poetry and plays enrich you, and bring you closer to me and our dear Lord Jesus Christ, and His Peace. "And the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us this day and evermore. Amen."

Your servant,

John Green
October 10, 1999

Chaplain John Green's Blessing
on Good Friday, March 28, 1986
at the Toledo Mental Health Center.

This page last updated on 6-11-2023.