
Song of Germany

Starting Picture


The Three Stanzas of the 'Song of Germany' became the German national anthem in 1922.

Only the First Stanza was used during the Nazi era becoming closely identified with the Nazi regime. After the Nazi regime fell with the end of World War II in 1945, West Germany did not have a national anthem.

In 1952, the Third Stanza of the 'Song of Germany' became West Germany's national anthem. In 1991, the Third Stanza of the 'Song of Germany' became the national anthem of the reunified West and East Germany.

Thus Germany maintained the same national anthem, yet regrets and rejects the Nazi era by not singing stanzas associated with that time.

- Third Stanza -

German National Anthem

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

(Unity and Justice and Freedom)
(German Motto)

Für das Deutsche Vaterland!

(For the German Fatherland!)

Danach lasst uns alle streben

(Towards these let us all strive)

Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!

(Brotherly with Heart and Hand!)

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

(Unity and Justice and Freedom)

Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;

(Are the Foundation of Happiness;)

Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,

(Flourish in the Radiance
of this Happiness,)

Blühe, Deutsches Vaterland!

(Flourish, German Fatherland!)

- First Stanza -

Not Part of the German National Anthem

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,

(Germany, Germany above all,)

Über alles in der Welt,

(Above all in the World,)

Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze

(When, for Protection and Defense,)

Brüderlich zusammenhält.

(It always stands brotherly together.)

Von der Maas bis an die Memel,

(From the Meuse to the Neman,)

Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,

(From the Adige to the Belt,)

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,

(Germany, Germany above all,)

Über alles in der Welt!

(Above all in the World!)

- Second Stanza -

Not Part of the German National Anthem

Deutsche Frauen, Deutsche Treue,

(German Women, German Loyalty,)

Deutscher Wein und Deutscher Sang

(German Wine and German Song)

Sollen in der Welt behalten

(Shall retain in the World)

Ihren alten schönen Klang,

(Their old beautiful Chime)

Uns zu edler Tat begeistern

(And inspire us to noble Deeds)

Unser ganzes Leben lang.

(During all of our Life.)

Deutsche Frauen, Deutsche Treue,

(German Women, German Loyalty,)

Deutscher Wein und Deutscher Sang!

(German Wine and German Song!)

Holocaust Song of Germany

....... German Republic
German Republic
from Pixabay

Replacing and negating
'Justice', 'Recht' in German, with
rhyming 'Nicht', 'Not' in English,
in the Song of Germany
to reflect Germany
during the Holocaust.

By Father John R. Green
An Episcopal Poet

Shown with his blessing

Unity and 'Nicht'
(Not Justice)

and Freedom

For the German


After These Let Us

All Strive

Brotherly With

Heart and Hand!

Unity and 'Nicht'
(Not Justice)

and Freedom

Are the Pledge

Of Happiness.

Bloom in the Splendor

of this Happiness,

Bloom My German


View John Green's source document for this web page in a new window.
Anthem history and text from Wikipedia on 10-14-2018.
This page last updated on 11-29-2024.