St. Paul's Episcopal Church Front Doors (Ruth Cheney Miller)

The History
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Maumee, Ohio
1837 - 1975
1974 - 1981

Material gathered and written by
Ruth Cheney Miller

First Printing - 1975

Facsimile web page by
David Stephen Watts

Printable PDF
by Ernest L. Lippert
How To Search

Table of Contents

Chapter I --- 1837 to 1900
Chapter II -- 1900 to 1935
Chapter III - 1935 to 1965
Chapter IV -- 1965 to 1975
Supplement Prologue
Supplement - 1974 to 1981
Supplement Epilogue
Supplement Epilogue #2
Appendix A - A Brief History
Appendix B - History Bi-Fold
Appendix C - Historic Highlights
Appendix D - Parish History Summary
Appendix E - Rectors or Missionaries


Between 1962 and 1967 I attempted to list the gifts and memorials that had come to St. Paul's through all the past years. In doing this I became involved in the history of the church, but at the time my concern was just the gifts. There are now two loose-leaf notebooks in the Church office listing about 200 items, with the available history of the gift, the name of the donor, the date given and the location of it today. The research started me on the complete history and in 1971 I agreed to attempt to write a History of St. Paul's. I feel sure there are errors and some of the "assumptions" I have made are probably not as the recorder of the minutes intended. A great deal of the information that I found was very sketchy or inadequate, but the following pages will give the readers an idea of St. Paul's heritage.

return to Table of Contents

Chapter I
1837 to 1900

The French traders established a post near the site of Fort Miami in 1680 and maintained it for several years. The Fort is still there in 1974 as a park and is located between the Maumee River and River Road. In the wars between the French and the English, the Fort was surrendered to the English in 1763 and the name was changed to Fort Campbell until 1813 when it was again named Fort Miami.

The area of the Fort was the early center of the wharves, homes and businesses, and the district which was known as Miami City. It was here that St. Paul's first church building was erected.

Judge James Wolcott built his house in 1817 in this area. He had purchased much land from the government for $1.15 an acre, and he made some available for a chapel which was built about 1837 and used until 1841. This first building was on the northeast side of his house, near or on the present Toledo Edison parking lot, and is believed to have been built of logs and faced with lumber and used as a place of worship. When it had served its purpose as a Chapel, it was used as a schoolhouse for the children living in Miami City. Judge Wolcott's house remains standing at 1031 River Road and is now known as The Wolcott Museum.

A bill was introduced by eight men, James Wolcott, George B. Knagg, Robert Forsythe, Nathan Rathbun, George S. Hazard, Amos Pratt, James H. Forsyth and T. E. Kirkland, to the Ohio Legislature and passed as a Special Act March 14, 1836 to incorporate the Parish with the title "First Protestant Episcopal Church and Society of Maumee and Miami City, in Lucas County". It was granted to 26 as Charter Members. The name "Miami City" was applied only to a section of Maumee City which had been incorporated in 1817. The name "Maumee" was not adopted until 1887. Again by an act of Legislature, passed February 19, 1846, the name of the church was changed to "The Wardens and Vestrymen of Saint Paul's Church in Maumee City". The name "St. Paul's" was selected by the members of the congregation.


In 1837 a letter was sent to Judge Wolcott by the clerk of the vestry acknowledging a gift of land. This letter is in the archives of St. Paul's and says in part, "Resolved - That the proposition made by James Wolcott, Esq. and his Lady be and is hereby accepted with the amendment, 'That the location of the Church may be changed by mutual consent and agreement of the donors and vestry'." It must be assumed that the original gift of land was indeed this piece of land where the present church stands, on the corner of East Wayne and Elizabeth.

In 1841, eight men petitioned the Ohio Legislature to incorporate and form the first Episcopal Church of Northwestern Ohio. The names of the Grantors as recorded in "Deeds - Lucas County" were: James Wolcott, Rodolphus Dickinson, LaQuinio Rowson, Gidion D. Beaugrand, Sardis Birchard, Peter Beaugrand, and Isidore D. Beaugrand. On August 5, 1945, the title of this land was transferred to St. Paul's Episcopal Church.


The Rev. Burton Hickox was sent into this area in 1837 by the General Board of Missions, and he became the first Episcopal Rector who had zeal, enthusiasm and foresight which resulted in the beginning of Trinity, Toledo, Grace in Defiance, St. John's in Napoleon. He also held services in Perrysburg, Waterville and Toledo, but the only permanent parishes were in Maumee and Toledo. From the records available, it would seem that services were held in private homes around the area. There are lists of families baptized and weddings held in homes. Some of the confirmations were held in other churches after Mr. Hickox arrived and many of the services were conducted by the Rt. Rev. C. P. McILvaine who was the Bishop of the Diocese of Ohio. There are also records that the Rt. Rev. D. B. Knickerbacker, of the Diocese of Indiana, came to confirm eight people whose ages ranged from 16 to 28, in May, 1889. Lucile and Gladys Batchelder were confirmed in September, 1895, by Bishop W. A. Leonard. They remained members of St. Paul's until their deaths in 1960 and 1970. Rilla M. Hull one of St. Paul's members, was confirmed in October, 1893. Though there were fewer than 50 members in these early days, there was courage and faith to build our present church building.

The second building connected with St. Paul's was started early in 1841 by a group of men anxious to have a place of worship more nearly in the center of town. Business and river traffic was moving up the river and a piece of property was made available across Conant on West Broadway. The structure was started but sold to the Rev. Joseph McNamee for $400.00, and became part of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, and not dedicated until 1846. That same year, 1841, St. Paul's was built on the property donated by Judge Wolcott (Lot 63).


Other active members were Nathan Rathbun and his wife, Mary. Throughout the early church history you will hear of their generosity and today still see some of their gifts. Nathan Rathbun was a Justice of the Peace and performed marriages, some between 1837 and 1839. In one of his ledgers that the Church acquired, we can gather a little information about his life and activities. There are records as early as 1817 that he took in boarders and roomers and names mentioned such as "Capt. Howe", "Capt. Smith" indicate that men from river boats stayed at his home.

Because there are so few records of that period it has been necessary to attempt to fill in lost history, using any mention, any connection found or later reference made of his part in the life of the church.

A gift of a house, which became known as the Rathbun Cottage, was given by Mary Hallan, December 12, 1857, to the Church. Mary Hallan could have been Mrs. Nathan Rathbun or Mrs. Rathbun's mother. The house was located on the lot of the present Rectory (Lot 64). This cottage became a very active center of the early life of St. Paul's, being used as a rectory, parish house and Sunday School.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1841 (Ruth Cheney Miller)


The third building was started in 1841 and completed that same year. There were no blueprints or drawings found. It was erected on the property donated by Judge Wolcott. We do have a few early pictures but they were taken after 1880. We know that it was a rectangular structure with two doors opening on Wayne Street and a door at the far left as entrance to the church. It was built with brick walls, the bricks being made at the Thornton Brick Yard in Perrysburg and ferried across the river. All the beams were hand hewn from huge logs and four of them were used to support a four-spire bell tower. Little is known about this tower except that in the 1880's it was removed because its weight was considered too much for the understructure. It is assumed that the pilasters were added later to reinforce the brick walls. The Church was given a color sketch of the building with the bell tower, done by the Rev. Andrew Jukes who was thought to be a relative of the Rev. Mark Jukes, the Rector, which would date the picture as having been done sometime between 1850 and 1860.

There were three rooms at the back of the building such as we have today but they were for other purposes, storage space for supplies, choir, organ, and fuel used for the wood burning stoves. There was a balcony over these rooms which was also used for various purposes. There were three windows on either side of the building and a straight wall at the east end where the Altar was placed. This Altar was a table and is now used in the Baptistry, having been returned to the church by an early communicant, and restored in 1928.

All the pews in the Nave were handmade by the parishioners. Consequently, they were all a little different in length and width of the seat. Originally, there were side aisles, no center aisle, but in later years the short pews were put together and a center aisle was formed. There was little remodeling or change from the time the church was built until the 1900's except for the removal of the bell tower.


The history of the Parish is that of the up-river communities. It flourished during the days of the Canal and the up-river docks. During this period, Toledo was mostly a swamp, but with the advent of the railroads and deep draught lake vessels the settlement of Fort Industry, Manhattan and Vistula became Toledo and the down-river town became the terminal point. Up-river families moved into Toledo or went on farther west.

During these years of transition and decline, St. Paul's was forced to close for five years, but the remaining parishioners never gave up hope and had an indomitable determination to carry on. From reading the few records found, it would seem that the Parish had to be rebuilt about every decade. New members merely replaced those who had moved or died and much might be written of the struggle the early pioneers and settlers made to keep alive the Faith and Church they had brought from the east. The population of Maumee City in 1838 was 865 inhabitants and the number of communicants of St. Paul's was 26 in 1837. The membership varied in the first 50 years from 26 to 50.

During the years from 1837 to 1900, there were 20 Rectors or missionaries, some staying less than a year and few remaining five, with the exception of John Swan who stayed from 1859-1874. His descendants remained in Maumee or the area and several memorials have been given in his name to St. Paul's. There were four Rectors at St. Paul's before the arrival of Mark Jukes, his wife Harriet and seven children in 1852 from Gambier, where he had graduated from Bexley Hall. He found the Church about to be sold at a foreclosure because of a large debt. It was through his efforts that $2,000 was raised and St. Paul's preserved. The cholera epidemic struck soon after he arrived and he and his wife did all they could to help, but they, too, died of the cholera August 1 and 3, 1854.

Jukes grave stone (Ruth Cheney Miller)


Mark and Harriet Jukes were buried in Riverside Cemetery, Maumee. The original marker was destroyed by an ice storm in the 1960's but a new granite one was installed with their names and dates of death. According to the early Cemetery Records, two children were buried in the same plot.

There is so little factual history of the years from 1856 to 1900, we can only guess at the struggle made by the parishioners and missionaries to keep the Church alive. We do know that St. Paul's was the most consistently flourishing parish or mission that was started along the Maumee River. It is known that revivalism was the extreme form of religion and yet St. Paul's was able to help other missions in the area, one being Trinity in Toledo. There are some records of small gifts of money given to these missions by the Parish even though it was often in and out of debt during these years.


The Rectors or missionaries known to have been serving St. Paul's from 1837 to 1900 were: Burton H. Hickox, 1837; J. S. Large, 1840; George B. Sturges, 1844 -45; David J. Berger, 1846; Oliver Taylor, 1847-50; Mark Rich Jukes, 1852-1854; Darius Barker, 1855-1856; Edward Winthrop, 1858; John Swan, 1859-1874; A. T. Perkins, 1875-79; Edward L. Kemp, 1878; Samuel Moran, 1879; Hahn C. Blackibon, 1879; Chester F. Adams, 1879; Charles Ayes, 1880; G. S. May, 1883; S.W. Walton, 1884; W. C. Hopkins, 1885-1888; Marcus H. Martin, 1889-1890; John W. Sykes, 1892-1896; L.P. McDonald, 1899-1902; and C. W. Nauman.

St. Paul's has a record book of the years 1837 to 1875 covering collections, names of church families and reports made to Conventions. These convention reports were written by the Rector and were short and concise, listing baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, number of communicants, and number of Sunday School teachers and scholars. There were also reports made by some of the Rectors of "Monies Collected". The ones dated 1852 through 1854 were done by the Rev. Mark Jukes and did list not only offerings and collections but also expenditures. Some were monthly reports and some had no particular system.


St. Paul's also has a ledger of Nathan Rathbun which has been the main source of information about him. There are records of legal suits between the People of the State of Ohio and individuals or groups, the first one listed in August 5, 1837 and the last one dated May 26, 1939. Mr. Rathbun was a lawyer and a Justice of the Peace. He evidently was an aide or assistant to Judge James Wolcott since expense accounts are found from 1843 to 1849 under Wolcott's name. It is unfortunate that so much of the hand writing is not legible or cannot be understood. One entry was "John Baptiste", October 13, 1837. Rathbun evidently gave him "Palm Leaf Hat, pantaloons, shirts". Next entry - "Nov. 9 - John went off in Dudgeon". Nov. 10 - "John came back, asked for pardon and was Res." Who was "John"? Was he a slave? Was he being helped coming north? From the little information gathered about Nathan and Mary Rathbun we can assume they were active in the early life of St. Paul's. Since we have gifts which they left to the church, we now they had a deep love and attachment for the Episcopal Church. It is assumed that they lived in the Rathbun cottage until their deaths, even though there is a record of that piece of property being transferred to the church in December 22, 1857, Lot 64. Posted in the Treasurer's Ledger there are amounts of money listed as coming from the "Rathbun Fund". This could have been rent from the property.


Chapter II
1900 to 1935

Sometime between 1900 and 1905 an addition of a Chancel, Sanctuary and Sacristy was built. No records have been found nor actual costs, but it has been assumed this was done while the Rev. L.P. McDonald was Rector from 1899 to 1902, or when the Rev. Daniels was Rector from 1903 to 1915. There are records of purchases of brass rods and dossals and a gift of a two-piece silver communion set given by Mrs. F. Welsh in April, 1905. In September, 1904, "Furniture arrived for the Altar" but no mention is made of what the pieces were. There is also a mention of a Retable given by Robert Louis Gorby. At the time the new section was added, it has been assumed the Rood Beam and Cross were installed between the sides of the arch. This beam remained there until 1960.

Sanctuary added in early 1900's (Ruth Cheney Miller)


One of the few pieces used in the early years about which there is some recorded history was a small hand pump organ that was brought to this section of the country from the East, and the legend says it was the first organ to be brought west of the Alleghenies This organ was used for 92 years before it was replaced by a new one. In 1912, electricity was available and a new keyboard was installed. It was hoped that the old organ would not be sold but remain in the community as a beloved heirloom.

The new organ stood originally at the back of the church on a platform in the canter with the organist's back being to the Altar. Later it was moved from in front of the opening of the present vestibule into the Baptistry so that the organist could see part of the congregation and the Altar. The choir chairs were on either side of the church, in the Nave, facing the Altar. In 1919 the organ was moved to the front of the church in the northeast corner of the chancel, where the present organ is located. The new organ was actually installed in December, 1927.

During the period from 1900 to 1935, St. Paul's had five Rectors: L.P. McDonald, 1899-1902; Lewis E. Daniels, 1903-1915; J. S. Carrie, 1915-1916; William S. Banks, 1917-1926, and Louis M. Hirshson, 1926-1935.


Beginning in 1903, a Ledger was kept, giving reports of Annual Parish meetings and Vestry meetings. These reports were signed by W. S. Swan as Clerk. Mr. Swan was the son of John Swan, who had been Rector of St. Paul's until 1873, and was Clerk of meetings to January, 1920. He was on the Vestry all those years as Senior Warden, or Junior Warden, Treasurer and Clerk, or a combination of two or three offices. His signature was needed so often it appears he had a rubber stamp made because all the signatures are identical up to the last one. In January, 1920, he was elected Senior Warden Emeritus.

From 1903 to 1906 there is but one report of a Vestry meeting and one adjourned for want of a quorum, but the minutes of Annual Meetings held in May of each year continue through this ledger. Procedures of these meetings were routine; the Rector presided, the meeting opened with a prayer, reports were made from the Sunday School, Ladies Aid Society, St. Paul's Guild and the Church Treasurer. If money was needed for some project, it would be St. Paul's Guild or Ladies Aid Society who would offer to assume the expense.

There were four men on the Vestry in 1903. In 1905 another was added and yet another in 1906. The number remained at six until 1910, when the body was increased to 10. From 1903 to 1911, William S. Swan and A. W. Eckert were elected and re-elected Senior and Junior Wardens. In 1912, F. A. Alford was elected Junior Warden with Mr. Swan, remaining through 1916 when the number of men on vestry was increased to 14. In 1917, H. H. Sargent was elected Junior Warden with Mr. Swan, but the number on Vestry returned to 10 because it was too hard to get a quorum to a meeting.


The main concern of the Vestry during these first few years in 1900 was the church organ that needed attention. In October, 1906, it was voted to spend $465.00 and have Mr. J. H. Soles, of Fremont, Ohio, rebuild it and add pedal stops.

In 1907 it was decided to rent the Rathbun Cottage to J. A. Smith for five years at $50.00 a year. The Parsonage at this time was the farm house located on the corner of Elizabeth and Wayne Streets, which was there when the property was deeded to the Church in 1845 from the grantors. The Rathbun Cottage has been used at times as the Parish Hall and with taxes and repairs and need of a sidewalk in front of the two lots, it was necessary to get some income. At the Annual Meeting in May, 1907, again St. Paul's Guild came to the rescue and offered to pay for the sidewalk.

Today the Vestry authorizes the purchase of a Parish car for the Rector. In the early 1900's the Vestry authorized the purchase of street car tickets at the cost of $5.00. They would, on occasions, pay for transportation of the children so that they could attend meetings at Trinity Church in Toledo.

The main topic for discussion in 1910 was better heating for the church. There had been mention earlier of this being done with stoves, using either wood or coal, two at the back of the church and one at the front. At the same time, a motion was made to improve the lighting. In October, 1910, the Western Chandelier Company, of Toledo, recommended six single light chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, opposite each window, using 100 watt tungsten lamps with glass shades, at a cost of $16.20 for the six installed. It was also decided to change the lights around the arch at the same time and have them rewired. Three gas stoves were purchased from the Holding Heater Company and installed in November 1910.


In December, 1910, the Church was insured for a term of three years for $2,500.00; $1,500.00 for the building, $500.00 for the organ and $500.00 for furnishings. Through contributions ranging from $1.00 to $30.00, the cost of heating and lighting was covered.

Again in March, 1911, it was the St. Paul's Guild who helped pay for paving Wayne Street and the assessment of one half the alley adjoining the Rathbun Cottage. Reading the reports of St. Paul's Guild as presented at Annual Meetings, one found the members raised money as we do today. They sold aprons, had bake sales, held church dinners, and silver offering teas, Lenten Dollars, and paid dues. The Ladies Aid Society raised money too, selling aprons, dolls, comforters and quilting. At the Annual Meeting in May, 1912, the Guild reported a balance of $128.91, the Aid Society a balance of $169.66. No doubt most of the women of the Parish belonged to both groups. In 1900 there were 22 people who pledged to St. Paul's and that number was fairly constant until 1907. Records of communicants between 1907 and 1918 have not been found but we know there was growth because the size of the Vestry increased at one time to 14.

In 1912, the Vestry and Parishioners started on a new project. A choir and choirmaster were needed and a music committee was appointed. The results of the findings were hiring a "Mr. Anderson", the choirmaster at Calvary, who would play the organ Sunday afternoons and instruct the choir one day a week for $2.00. Mr. Anderson was accepted. At this meeting, in September, 1912, a committee was appointed to check the cost of repairing the Parsonage so that it could be rented. About this same time the women of the Parish asked that a fence be built in front of the church. In June, 1913, it was installed at a cost of $20.50, paid for by the Women's groups.


Front fence erected in 1913 (Ruth Cheney Miller)

At an informal meeting of the Vestry in April, 1915, it was suggested by Bishop DuMoulin who had been consecrated in January, 1914, that St. Paul's should consider the advisability of a resident Rector. After a long discussion, a resolution was passed that the Vestry would raise $500.00 a year and provide the use of a parsonage for a resident Rector. In October the acting Rector, the Rev. L. E. Daniels, declined the offer so a call was made to the Rev. J. S. Carrie, of Detroit, Michigan, and on October 6, 1915, he accepted. Because of the fast arrival of the new Rector, little had been done to the parsonage, but the Vestry agreed to make the necessary repairs and again it was St. Paul's Guild who "consented to improve the interior".

It was decided at the December 1915 meeting that the rent for the Rathbun house should be raised to $10.00 a month, and in January, Mr. John Smith agreed to continue rent at that amount.


During the year that Mr. Carrie was Rector, the pews in the church were refinished and relocated. Mrs. E.A. Brown donated her services at the organ for weekly meetings and at the Annual Meeting in May, 1916, the number of Vestrymen was raised to 15. The possibility of turning the parsonage into a parish house was discussed and a committee was appointed. With the resignation of Mr. Carrie in November, no reports were made and there were no minutes written until March, 1917, when an informal meeting was held and it was agreed to call the Rev. W. S. Banks of Chadron, Nebraska. He accepted the call and arrived in late April.

Again it was necessary to consider improvements for the Parsonage. It had been rented after Mr. Carrie left, so it was necessary to ask the tenant to move. It was decided that city water should be installed and a bathroom added and other repairs made, the expense to be covered by church funds and donations. Although the Treasurer's Report during 1911 to April, 1916, showed a balance of over $1,700.00, it seems that the Rathbun Fund and General Fund had been included so that current bills could be paid. These included month by month the organist, the Rector, a variety of missions, office supplies, repairs and maintenance. When this Fund was eventually returned to the savings account, there was little left.

At the first Annual Meeting held by Mr. Banks in May, 1917, the number of Vestrymen was reduced to 10, "too difficult to get out a quorum with 15 men". Reports were made from all the groups and for the first time a report was given by the Altar Guild. Even by reducing the number of Vestrymen, the December, 1917, and January, 1918, meetings were adjourned because no quorum was present.


The end of January, 1918 Mr. Banks called a special meeting to have a report from the Finance Committee since the Church treasury was low because of delinquent pledges. It was decided to have quarterly meetings in place of monthly, to be held the first Monday of each quarter. The Finance Committee must have been successful because a motion was made to give $20.00 to the War Fund for Army Chaplains and Mr. Banks' salary was increased $200.00 a year beginning February, 1918, making it $41.67 per month. At the July quarterly meeting, the Vestry agreed to give the Rector the month of August as a vacation.

The first mention of the need for a Parish House came at the December, 1918, meeting. It was suggested that the Rathbun House be sold and the proceeds be used toward erecting a Parish House. Mr. W. A. Clark and Mr. H. P. Bamford were instructed to draft a resolution on this plan to be presented at the Annual Meeting in January, 1919. Because of a change in the Church Canons, the Annual Meetings were to be held in January instead of May. However, the St. Paul's Annual Meeting was held May 6, 1918. The business recorded was about as usual with a few exceptions and no details. The number of Vestrymen was reduced again from 10 to 7. Mrs. W. S. Banks was evidently the president of the Altar Guild and Miss Rilla Hull was elected Treasurer of the Church Parish House Building Fund.

Perhaps at this time an attempt should be made to clarify the buildings named in the minutes between 1918 and 1925. The names mentioned were "Rathbun House" or "Rathbun Cottage", "Parsonage", "Boys Club" and "Rectory". However, to try to determine when and how the "Rathbun Fund" came into being, treasurer's reports and scant minutes can be the only basis of our assumptions.


The Rathbun House or Cottage belonged to Nathan and Mary Rathbun and was transferred to the church in December, 1857. From the "Journal of Nathan Rathbun" it is known he was active as a lawyer through 1849. Probably the Church got possession of the house after they were both gone. In the "Church Record Book - 1837 to 1907" Mary Rathbun's death is recorded as April, 1883, at age of 84. Because it had been a house and some of the furniture given to the Church, it could have been a place for the Rectors and missionaries to stay when they came to conduct the Sunday services. Beginning in the Treasurer's Records of October, 1900, we find John A. Smith was paying $10.00 a month house rent and continued until the house was sold. It is assumed that this rent money was used to start the "Rathbun Fund". Taxes and maintenance were taken from the fund and it was built up to $200.00 by 1910 and then to $300.00 by 1915. Although the fund accumulated interest, it seemed that the interest was added to the "Improvement Fund" or "General Fund" to help defray expenses. Sometimes the Treasurer would specify "repairs and papering for Rathbun House".

In May, 1922, John Smith offered to buy the Rathbun property for $3,000.00. This offer came when the Vestry and Parishioners were faced with the need for a Parish House. The Vestry had several meetings and finally gave a counter offer to Mr. Smith of $3,350.00 for 49 feet frontage and the house which he refused and evidently moved. Soon after this, the name of "Rathbun" ceased to appear in the Treasurer's Report but "The Club House", "The Vestry Rooms" and later "The Boys Club" were used. When the Rathbun house was taken over by the Vestry, the Boys Club was organized. Mr. M. B. Barlett was appointed director. At the same time, St. Paul's Guild asked for the use of the building for Sunday School purposes. The "Rathbun Boys Club" did nothing to keep up the building and the Rector took complete charge. In February, 1922, the building became known as the Parish House.


The house located on the corner of Elizabeth and Wayne was called "the Farm House", "The Rectory", "The Parsonage" and the "Parish House". It was a two-story frame building which was probably built about 1825 on Lot 62 and was given to the church about 1883. There is filed at the Lucas County Tax Board a notarized statement dated December 9, 1922, exempting this property from taxes since it was used exclusively for public worship. This house was used as a Rectory and as a Parish House for Guild and Vestry meetings. There were times when it was rented and the rent money was used to pay for repairs and redecorating. When Mr. Banks arrived in 1917, the house became the Rectory and was also used for other activities. For almost a year in 1916, it was rented to Elmer Long and for four months to April, 1917, to Jesse Cooper. It was when Mr. Banks moved into the Swan House at 229 East Wayne Street, sometime in the middle of 1922, that the Rectory became the Parish House.

When Mrs. A. W. Cone was elected treasurer in 1920, the postings were entered in a different way and information was scant. On one page was listed "Collections", "Missions" and "Pledges", on the opposite page the monthly expenses, with little detail. There were few Vestry meetings in 1920 and 1921. In January, 1922, the Treasurer's books were audited and Mrs. A. W. Cone was re-elected for another year. From the Treasurer's report in 1920, it was evident that Mr. Banks' salary was raised to $98.33 and he was given an expense account in 1922, probably to pay for utilities in his house.


During the years between 1919 and 1923, the need for action by the Vestry to plan and build a Parish House was discussed and committees were appointed, but little seemed to have been accomplished except that at one time 23 members of the Parish signed a pledge to support the project.

An Annual Meeting was held January, 1924, and the Building Committee stressed the main consideration for the Parish House; it should be adequate for the future growth and development of the Church and the Community. A motion was made by Mr. Clinch and seconded by Mrs. Kreps that the project be approved. The motion carried and the second large undertaking was started by St. Paul's.

Pledges totaled $12,790.00 in May, 1924, and rose to $13,438.00 in June. This amount came from only 76 pledges. It had been decided to ask for three-year pledges for this campaign, using the method similar to the one used by St. Mark's in Toledo. Mr. Otto Hohly, a Toledo architect, was hired to draw up plans for this building which were presented at the November, 1924, Vestry meeting. The plans were discussed in detail and it was unanimously considered too expensive. He was asked if he could revise the plans so that the cost would be less. Mr. Hohly agreed and said he would come back at a later date. He came back for the Annual Meeting in January, 1925, and presented the new plans with the cost estimated between $23,260.00 and $26,000.00. It was necessary to have a vote of the Parishioners. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the new sketches be accepted with minor changes and the architect be authorized to proceed.


The problem facing the Vestry now was to raise the necessary funds for the building. Bishop Rogers of Ohio advised the Vestry in May, 1925, that the cost should be decreased, perhaps to $18,000.00 or $20,000.00, but by then the campaign was well on its way and in June the Rector had been notified that Nation Wide Appropriations Committee had granted $3,000.00 and the Toledo Missionary Fund had also promised $2,000.00 in 1926. In September, the architect was notified to let bids for the construction. When the Parish House was built in October, 1926, the base of the Bell Tower was added as a hall to connect the new building with the church building.

Another problem arose at the January, 1926, Annual Meeting. The Rector, Mr. Banks, tendered his resignation and it was accepted. Mr. Banks had been Rector for nine years and it was felt a full time Rector was needed and that a raise in salary was necessary. It was moved and seconded that Mr. Banks be retained until a new Rector could take charge. The Rev. L. M. Hirshson, a curate, was recommended by the Bishop and the Vestry was urged to attend services at Grace Church, Sandusky, Ohio, to hear him. A special meeting of the Vestry was called February 7, 1926, after the special committee had attended a service in Sandusky and it was moved and carried that a call be sent to him to serve as minister until such time as he could accept a call as Rector. Mr. Hirshson accepted the call March 15, 1926 but felt he could not come until May 1st.


With the arrival of a new minister and the need for a Rectory, the May Vestry meeting was a busy one. Over $800.00 was spent in repairs and replacements, not only in the Rectory but in the Church. Delegates to the Diocesan Convention in Cleveland had to be appointed and a report made on the progress of the architect for the Parish House. At a special meeting, a request was made to the Standing Committee of the Diocese to recommend the ordination of L.M. Hirshson to the Priesthood in St. Paul's Church, Wednesday morning, June 16, 1926.

After Louis M. Hirshson became Rector, there were minutes of monthly Vestry meetings and recorded at one session was the permission by Diocese of Ohio to sell the "Rathbun Club House" for $75, the purchaser to move it off the lot. Also recorded was the borrowing of $12,000.00 at 6% a year which was secured by a first mortgage of Lot 62 and Lot 64. At the November, 1926 regular meeting plans were made for the opening of the Parish House, December 9, 1926. The 93rd Annual Meeting was held in the new Parish House January 14,1927. The February minutes reported that a motion was made to split the Christmas offering 90-10, the 90 % to pay for the curtain for the stage and the 10% to be "a tithe". After Easter the Vestry decided to put that offering in the "Improvement Fund".

Before Easter in 1928, the Rector and Vestry sent a folder and message to the Members and Friends of St. Paul's asking for a voluntary subscription of $16,000.00 to enable the Vestry to pay for the restoration of the Church and the balance of the debt on the Parish House. The campaign was called "An Easter Endeavor" to be conducted like the campaign in 1924. The project was two-fold, to pay the final $9,000.00 Parish House debt and to pay for the restoration of the Church and purchase a new organ.


This folder was very informative, listing what had been done by St. Paul's in two years, what was being done at the time and the hopes for the future. The big accomplishment was the building of the Parish House in 15 months at a cost of $25,000.00. The parishioners and friends gave $11,000.00, Nation Wide Appropriation Fund contributed $5,000.00 and a bank loan for $9,000.00 was obtained. The building became one of the most used places in the community for all kinds of activities for the church, outside organizations, dancing classes and plays, with facilities for all ages. At the time of the construction of the Parish House, the Church was equipped with adequate heating for the first time. It was rewired and new lighting fixtures installed and the Chancel was rebuilt to conform to the architecture of the building. The Rectory was renovated, painted and rewired and in general the house was modernized. The communicant list rose from 190 to 240 and the total membership from 250 to 300.

The fluctuation of the membership on Vestry from 1903 to the present time is most interesting. The rotating Vestry did not become effective until 1947. In 1903 there were four men including the Senior and Junior Wardens. Familiar names found serving in the early 1900's were Harry Bamford, William Swan, George P. Greenhalgh, N. E. Tryon, Henry May, Herbert Lancashire and Robert Hartshorn. Soon after Mr. Hirshson's arrival more men were elected to Vestry but the Senior and Junior Wardens stayed in office for many years. Mr. Greenhalgh was Senior Warden for six years from 1927 to 1933. Other familiar names began to appear on the Vestry list in 1933 - James Black, Paul Alexander, William Bamford, Ernest Spangler, Robie Cone, C. L. McKelvey and John VanRensselaer.


One of the projects listed as part of "The Easter Endeavor" was the purchase of a new organ. There was mentioned in an early church ledger that a small, hand pump organ was used until the arrival of the "original". The small one was sent to Chicago to be reconditioned and sold to a mission. The original organ was reported to have been the first organ to arrive here by wagon and boat from the east. It was rebuilt by J. H. Soles Church Organ Company of Fremont, Ohio, in 1906, at a cost of $465.00 and it was dedicated in February, 1907. Later, because of special subscriptions, pedal stops were added and it was "wired". The organ was moved to the front of the Church in 1919. Although the Vestry voted $4,000.00 for a new organ in November, 1927, no record has been found that it was purchased at that time, but an Estey organ from Battlesboro, Vermont was installed in 1947. Through some research it was established that the organ installed by Soles of Fremont was combined with the Estey organ by Muller & Sons of Toledo.

Through the years 1927-1934, most of the Vestry minutes consisted of "Reports given by -", bills presented to be paid or questioned, suggestions for collecting back pledges and ways to raise money. All remarks were very familiar and are found in the minutes of today. Beginning in 1928, the Rector and Vestry presented a budget for the year and it was to be a successful attempt to allocate funds and the system was to be continued.

The 1929 Easter Offering was to be used to purchase stained glass windows for the Chancel of the church. The Church authorized Giannine and Hilgart of Chicago to make them. The three windows were to be in three sections. The top sections were the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Rathbun Fuller, the figure of St. Paul in the center window, St. Paul's shield at the left and the Chalice on the right. The Easter offering paid for the center section of the three windows, but the bottom section was covered with only clear glass, which was replaced with matching stained glass in 1957 as a gift from Mrs. Sinclair Walbridge.


In May, 1929, the Vestry voted to build a two car garage of brick to conform with the present buildings but the cost was not to exceed $850.00. The C.A. Degner Company was authorized in October to build the garage on Elizabeth street between the Parish House and the alley for a cost of $753.00.

The Vestry and Rector received an offer of a gift from Mr. W.A. Clarke for a new Baptistry and Font in April, 1930, in memory of his mother and father. The gift was accepted and the Baptistry was built at the back of the church near the entrance, an area which had had many functions over the years. A memorial tablet was placed there in 1931 but a new plaque was placed in 1966. The children's window was installed and dedicated in 1930, as part of the Clarke Memorial.

In the fall of 1930, the Vestry was informed the floor in the Sacristy needed repair and some type of cabinet or cupboard should be found to hold the church ornaments. This remodeling was done, a sink and piscina were installed. At about this same time the Altar Guild gave a memorial gift of 15 inch Altar candlesticks in memory of Sarah Harriet Davis, who had been an active Guild member for 15 years.


During the next three to four years the minutes of the Vestry gave little information. The Vestry met each month, held an Annual Meeting in January, read and accepted reports from Guilds and committees and tried to survive financially through the first years of the depression. The minutes of September, 1932, stated that the Vestry voted to use the Parish House during the winter for "the unemployed of Maumee". No further reference was made so the "use" is undetermined. In February, 1933, the Vestry decided the Junior and Senior Wardens should change every year. At the retirement of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden would move up and a new Junior Warden be elected. Also at the same time, the Vestry was to be increased to fifteen. At a special Parish Meeting both motions were passed. The minutes of the January, 1934 meeting of the Vestry, reported a plan for three vestrymen to retire each year and three new men elected. This is the first mention of the beginning of a rotating vestry. The resolution as presented was "The three members of Vestry, senior in point of service, shall voluntarily withdraw and permit three new members to be elected, such members to be eligible for re-election after at least one year of retirement".

Sanctuary added in early 1900's (Ruth Cheney Miller)


Mr. Hirshson presented plans to the Vestry in April, 1934, to rebuild the Rectory at a cost of about $9,000.00. From generous gifts, loans and pledges made during the summer and fall, plans went ahead to rebuild. A loan of $3,000.00 was secured from the State Bank of Maumee to complete the rebuilding.

The lot used for the Rectory is Lot 64, which was owned originally by the Nathan Rathbuns and was the site of the Rathbun House or Cottage. This house was sold in October, 1926 and was moved. Its present location is 425 East William. That house was very much a part of the life of St. Paul's Parish. In 1933 the farm house, which was located on the corner of Elizabeth and E. Wayne, was moved to the old Rathbun location and when the rebuilding and modernization were completed in November, 1934, Louis Hirshson and his family moved into it.

Easter evening, April, 21, 1935, the Vestry received a letter of resignation from Louis Hirshson asking that it become effective June 15, 1935, when he planned to become Rector of St. Stephen's of Sewickley, Pa. Beginning in May efforts were made to select a new Rector. A number of men were considered and interviewed by the committee. On May 20th a meeting was held with Bishop Rogers and at this meeting a motion was made to call The Rev. R. Malcolm Ward, then serving in Manila.


Chapter III
1935 to 1965

The Rev, and Mrs. Ward arrived early in December and Mr. Ward took over the duties of Rector, serving for thirty years, until 1965. A special meeting of the Vestry was held in the home of Mr. Lancashire to express the Parish's appreciation of the Rev. Rynder's work as temporary Rector and to present him with a watch. Also assisting on occasion was the Rev. Robert J. Freeborne who lived in Toledo and who substituted many times in later years and will be remembered by many of the parishioners. Mr. Freeborne lived to be 104 years old.

The minutes on record from December to February 23, 1936, were very short and with little information, but on that evening, the one hundredth annual meeting was held and "reports were read" from all the organizations, the finance committee, and the Senior Warden, Mr. Lancashire. Arrangements were made for the 100th Anniversary celebration of the Parish. Also the new and old Vestry were elected.

At this meeting the Act of Incorporation was read as it was recorded in Columbus, March 14, 1836, when the name of "The First Protestant Episcopal Church and Society of Maumee and Maumee City in Lucas County" was changed to "Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Paul's Church in Maumee City."

On May 23-24, 1936, a series of services were held in celebration of the first 100 years in the life of St. Paul's parish. The historical pageant was presented on the lawn of the church and all the parts were acted by members of St. Paul's. The pageant was written and narrated by the Rev. Mr. Ward. Bishop Rogers conducted the services Sunday the 24th, assisted by the former Rector, Louis Hirshson and Mr. Ward.


At the regular vestry meeting following the two-day celebration, the regular reports were given and discussed and motions made to send "letters of thanks" to those who had taken part. The open offering of $1,502.00 was added to the operations account and at a later date an open offering would be sent to the Bishop's Discretionary Fund.

Vestry meetings were held in July, September and November, sometimes with a quorum and sometimes having proxies so that certain business could be presented. There was a general practice of transferring one fund to another fund to cover some needed expense. Also it was necessary to make a new budget for 1937. A new mortgage had been obtained at the Toledo Trust Company for $8,500.00 at 5% interest. Each year the budget was increased and the number of communicants increased. The 1936 budget was a little over $7,000.00, in 1942 it was $11,000.00.

In the summer of 1937 Boy Scout Troup #32 was organized and in the fall a Girl Scout Group conducted a nursery on Sundays during the church services. A chapter of the Girls Friendly Society was organized. It became evident that there was need for children's activities and participation in church affairs.

It was most interesting to read a "Foreword" to the 102nd Annual Report written by Karl G. Reed in 1938 which stated "If these minutes of the 102nd Annual Parish Meeting in spots seem to be a bit meticulous, please let me explain that often much of the Parish History seems to lie just in personalities mentioned in some otherwise dry report of the incidents. We now have a past, 102 years of it, so it is only reasonable to expect that we have a future." It is unfortunate that more people did not hear this read because so much of St. Paul's History has been lost because of "reports" given and not information relating to these reports.


The Church was blessed in 1938 and 1939 in receiving a number of gifts - large and small. Rilla Hull gave a pulpit light in memory of her mother, Fredericka Hull, which was dedicated on the Sunday nearest to St. Paul's day. This light is still in use and is found in the library. The carillon tower and bells were given in April, 1938, and dedicated in June, 1938. This was a gift of Mrs. Rathbun Fuller in memory of her husband. The architect was Mr. George Rheinf rank of Perrysburg. The bricks that were used in construction of the Tower came from the same brickyard that had supplied the original bricks for the church in 1841.

Carilon Tower, 1938 (Ruth Cheney Miller)

A private Communion set was given by Mr. and Mrs. Holland T. May as a memorial to Ada M. Clarke. There was a stained glass window ordered from Switzerland, known as the Ketcham Window. Because of the war, this window did not arrive until February, 1947, and was dedicated October, 1947.


Mr. Percy Anning was generous of his time and talents. He was elected to the Vestry in 1936 and for years he was the one who decorated the church at Easter and Christmas and evidently at no expense to the Church.

During the years that followed, Mrs. Rathbun Fuller or "Aunt Kitty" as she was called by close friends, helped many times. Her gift in December, 1939, of $2,500.00 reduced the Parish debt and in September, 1941, another gift of $191.00 paid for the pew pads. Mr. Ward ordered them but measured only one pew. It was said that no two pews were the same width because they were made by parishioners in the early days, consequently the pads were not perfect fits. In April, 1940 new carpeting was purchased for the Sanctuary and Chancel at a cost of $365.00.

A Corporate Communion and Breakfast with the Bishop was begun in December, 1940. At the May, 1941 Vestry meeting the suggestion was made that the June meeting be held at the Toledo Country Club, with a golf game followed by a dinner. This was the beginning of the annual summer social gathering of the Vestry, old and new.

There were three active guilds at St. Paul's in 1940. The Women's Auxiliary was involved in the project "Bundles for Britain" and mission help to Virginia and the Philippines. This group started the disbursements to the five fields of service: the Parish, Community, Diocese, Nation, and World. St. Paul's Guild met once a month in the evening, and through dues, rummage sales, and dinners was able to support the "extras" that were needed. The Altar Guild had twelve members and they were God's Housekeepers as this guild had been from its beginning.


For the children of the parish, there was a Boy's Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Girls Friendly Society and all groups were active in their fields of service.

The only mention of the beginning of World War II was the Service Honor Roll placed at the back of the Church and the statement in the Vestry minutes of the number of members in the Armed Forces.

While Mr. Ward was on vacation in July, 1942, the sterling silver alms basins were stolen. The catalogue price for these was $250.00 but they were insured for only $145.00. This amount was collected and brass plates were purchased. Because of this loss, it was decided by the Vestry that a list of memorials and removables be made, giving description, name of donor, and value. Revised estimates were presented to the Vestry, but given in groups - "Parish House", "Church Building and Furniture", "Tower and Chimes". It wasn't until new insurance policies were needed and actual listing of items that a search of gifts and cost of their replacement was begun in 1962.

Between 1942 and 1944, the Vestry and Annual Meetings followed a regular pattern - budgets, bills, vital statistics, and normal business. However, the budgets stayed between $10,000 and $11,000. In March, 1944, there was serious discussion about remodeling the Parish House and John Richards was asked to present sketches and an estimate of the cost of this project. It was at the 1945 Annual Dinner Meeting that a brochure of the plans for remodeling the Parish House was presented, including a Kindergarten, a Women's Guild Room, a new kitchen and better restrooms. The "Building Fund" was inaugurated with the 1944 Christmas offering and the 1945 Easter offering. War Bonds, bonds, and cash were added through 1946 for a total of $11,169.69. St. Paul's received $5,500.00 from the Sargent Estate in 1948 and from the church organizations $2,219.00 was added to the Building Fund. The total cost of this building program as of January 1, 1949, was $57,573.00 of which $43,000.00 was raised from pledges and donations, the balance borrowed from the bank.


When the remodeling was completed, the Parish House became a place for added functions. The old stage, which was at the Elizabeth Street end of the hall, was removed and the Guild Room took its place. The garage was torn down and a kindergarten room added. The garage was added at the back of the new kitchen, and over the new kitchen, the Rector's office was built. Up to this time, the Rector's office was in e den of the Rectory. The Church Secretary had a small space at the end of the choir vesting room. New restrooms were added between the Bell Tower and kitchen and a play area was provided between the kindergarten room and the kitchen off the alley. At the time of the remodeling of the Parish Hall, drop globe lighting fixtures were installed in the Nave of the Church.

During the years 1946 to 1950, after the war was over, changes were made in the old group organizations and new and active groups formed. The unification plan was presented in May, 1947. The first mention of the name "Unified Women of St. Paul's" was in October, 1949.

There was a need for a group to be formed for young matrons of the Parish. Malcolm Ward called a meeting in December, 1946, in the home of Mrs. Norman Spangler to consider projects, present a constitution and elect officers. The slate was vote unanimously and Mrs. William P. Bamford became the first President of this group which adopted the name of Helen Kreps at the January, 1947 meeting. This group took on many projects for the Parish and the community especially those activities connected with children.


When the new rooms were added to the Parish House in 1948-49, Helen Kreps Guild decorated the kindergarten and selected the furniture. Small rummage sales had been held in a garage and in yards but when the old stage was converted to the Women's Guild Room, the Parish House and Guild Room were used and the now famous St. Paul's Rummage Sales was born.

There was also a need for an evening group and in November, 1948, the first meeting was held. In December it was organized and became St. Paul's Evening Guild with Mrs. Charles Spangler as President. The guild started with seven members and had a total membership of forty at one time. The guild took over some of the projects formerly done by St. Paul's Guild - dinners, luncheons, sewing and mending for organizations needing help. In- 1952, Evening Guild started cooking and serving the dinner for the Annual Meetings in January.

The Third Annual Corporate Communion was held on Ash Wednesday, February 7, 1950, and the name "United Women of St. Paul's" was introduced. Each guild continued to function as a separate group but all the groups were gathered together under one president as the "United Women". The large income came from Helen Kreps' Rummage Sales but each guild gave a "Fair Share" to the yearly budget. In 1951, the women tried having a bazaar in the spring and a rummage sale in the fall, but the income of the two was not sufficient to meet the budget and it was decided to have a spring and fall sale which continued to the 1960's when once again one bazaar a year was tried but with little success.


Miss Vanda Kerst was the President of the Women's Auxiliary in 1949. In November, 1949, the name "St. Elizabeth's Guild" was adopted but the first election of officers for St. Elizabeth's did not occur until an early meeting in 1950. At that time, Mrs. Joss was elected. This group had been called St. Paul's Guild up to this time although most of the women also belonged to the Women's Auxiliary. It was in September, 1949 that the "Book of Remembrance" was created and later became known as the "Book of Memory". A fund was accumulated from donations from those who wanted a name to be added to the book. Lydia Rheinfrank did the art work and added the names each year so that the Book could be used on All Saints Day. St. Elizabeth's Guild was the "handwork" group, sewing for hospitals, mending Church vestments and selling some of their articles at meetings and other affairs.

At the Vestry meetings in 1950, it was decided a Parish Council should be set up to aid in church projects and future plans. The first such council met Januay 29, 1951, and was composed of one member from each guild, one from the newly formed Men's Club, two from Vestry and one representative of the Sunday School. This group was informed of property that might become available with possible option to buy. They were also asked to consider and recommend needs for expansion of the Church School. There was little mention in Vestry minutes of this Parish Council until January, 1955, when six women of the Parish were nominated and two, Mrs. Sinclair Walbridge and Mrs. Charles Miller, were elected to serve with John Wright and Arthur Schrader.


Under the leadership of John Wright, a Trust Fund was set up in 1952, which became known as the Welfare Fund under the supervision of a trust officer at the Toledo Trust Company. This fund was to provide Mr. Ward with payments to supplement Social Security and Pension Funds at the time of his retirement or in case of early retirement because of disability. This fund was created by gifts from parishioners and friends. By 1956 the fund had grown to over $73,000.00.

With the growth of the Church, a Director of Christian Education was needed and Margaret Lodge came in 1952 and was active until she resigned July, 1956, to go to Cleveland.

The many branched candlestick chandeliers (6) were installed in 1953, designed by Clare Hoffman and donated by Mrs. C. L. McKelvey and Mrs. William Levis. At this time the Nave and Sanctuary were painted, the Sanctuary, blue with silver stars.

When the Parish Council started checking the need for additional space, the Parochial Reports were analyzed and the following information was noted:

1949 - 261 families, 505 communicants,
171 Sunday school children.

1950 - 264 families, 526 communicants,
212 Sunday school children.

1951 - 280 families, 567 communicants,
187 Sunday school children.

1952 - 280 families, 646 communicants,
235 Sunday school children plus Bible Class.

1953 - 300 families, 691 communicants,
278 Sunday school children plus Bible Class.


It became evident from these figures that the Parish was growing and that there was not adequate space, even using the kitchen, the Bell Tower, the upstairs office and the boiler room. The Council recommended a Building Fund to make possible an Educational wing to be attached to the Parish House. A vestry committee explored the property on Dudley Street which might be purchased and the corner house and the Powers home were bought. Gillett and Richards drew up plans and estimates were presented. The Altar Guild had been asking the Vestry for several years to remodel the Sacristy. Each time it was discussed there seemed to be some other project more important - a new roof, a tool shed, or a leak in the boiler. When mice and rats were found in the Sacristy, the Vestry approved John Richard's Sacristy plan in May, 1954. The contract was given to L. M. Earick June 30, 1954 at a cost of $3,590.00 and the project was completed the end of September.

Before the new Educational Building plan got into high gear it was decided by the Vestry that St. Paul's needed an assistant to help the Rector. The question of whether the selected one was to be an "assistant" or an "associate" was discussed at length. Howard Graham had been suggested and his move from Cleveland had been sanctioned by the Bishop if he would accept the call. He had been at St. Paul's East Toledo for five and a half years before going to Cleveland so he was well acquainted with the area and knew many people. Mr. Graham accepted the call and a public announcement was made June 1, 1956, in Cleveland and Maumee that he would arrive the middle of August as Associate Rector.

Beginning in March 1955, there were meetings held by the Parish Council to consolidate the needs of the Church, and at the Vestry meeting March 28th Dr. Willis Peck, who was the chairman of the Building Committee, presented the findings. In April John Richards spoke to the Vestry on the architects agreement to cover the proposed expansion. When he and Mr. Lutz attended the June meeting, they explained the general layout of the additions and three possible locations. It is interesting to note that none of these locations were selected - the corner of Elizabeth and Wayne, the site of the present Rectory or the possible acquisition of property next to the Rectory.


For the first time the Vestry was considering professional help to raise money for the building plans. Two companies were considered, the Marts and Lundy, Inc., and the Wells organization. The Marts and Lundy would charge $3,500.00 plus expenses - about $1,500.00. At a later meeting the Wells organization presented a contract which was accepted at a cost of $4,500.00 for fee and $1,500.00 for expenses.

James Evans, who was a vestryman from 1954 through 1957, wrote a " Brief History" of St. Paul's which was printed in January 1956 and sent to the parishioners. It has been helpful in writing this more detailed history-as well as being helpful in the Building Fund campaign.

Albert Spangler, who was on the Building Fund Committee, reported at the 1956 Annual Meeting that $211,499.00 had been pledged, and John Richards presented slides and planning for the expanded facilities. The actual site for the new building or buildings had not been decided. The Vestry was attempting to buy the Terrill property which was next to the Rectory, but their offer had not been accepted. The possibility of vacating the alley and extending the building to or toward Dudley was being considered.

John Wright died in March of 1956, having served many terms on the Vestry and it was he who had urged that the Welfare Fund be created. He was active in most of the Parish projects and was pleased and surprised at the growth of that Fund. At about the time of his death the total in the Fund was over $70,000.00.


Before Howard Graham and family were due to arrive, a house was needed and the Pierce property on W. Harrison was rented for one year. The Church was still interested in buying the Comstock house on the corner of Dudley and Elizabeth which was held in a Trust Fund and there was a possibility of purchasing the Power property on Dudley for about $12,000.00. Both of these properties were needed for the new building. At the November Vestry meeting, LaDow Johnston reported that the Powers property had been purchased for $9,576.00 and the Comstock property was committed for purchase with possession date of August 1, 1957 at a cost of $17,000.00. With the acquisition of the two pieces of property, the architect was to schedule the plans for bids on February 1, 1957 and ground breaking on May 5,1957. It was hoped that the new building and improvement to the old building would be completed by October 15, 1957.

The Powers house on East Dudley was sold to L.M. Earick for $1.00. The house was of very little value and beyond repair and the ground was needed for the new expansions.

It was at the May, 1957, Vestry meeting that a comprehensive report on the estate bequeathed to St. Paul's by Rilla E. Hull, a descendent of a pioneer family, was made. It was her desire that the Wolcott House on River Road be utilized as an historical shrine. LaDow Johnston contacted the Ohio Historical Society in regard to this property.

The date for the Open House of the new building was set for January 19, 1958 and Bishop Burroughs and Mr. Hirshson were expected to attend, including all those involved in the project.


Educational Building, 1958 (Ruth Cheney Miller)

The Church had just undertaken this larger new building project at a cost of over $255,000.00 when a new and serious problem was brought to the attention of the Vestry. An exterminating firm had been called to investigate termites found under the Nave of the church, and to determine the extent of the damage. At the March, 1958, meeting reports were presented by the House and Grounds Committee from three exterminating firms; one company found the destruction not only by termites but also by beetles and dry rot and to such an extent that the floor should be braced before large congregations gathered. The temporary shoring was estimated to cost about $6,000.00 and the Vestry moved it be done. However, no repairs were made and the floor survived a large attendance at the Easter service. John Richards recommended that the work be done in the next few years.


Prior to the building of the Educational addition, Mrs. Fred Flichinger and later Mrs. Hamilton Fess had nursery schools in the new room added in 1948 when the Parish House was remodeled and there was a small play yard between the nursery room and the new kitchen. On Sundays it was used for kindergarten and an Altar was built into a cupboard which had a triptych decorated by Lydia Rheinfrank. When the new building was added this room became the "small dining room" and the nursery and kindergarten rooms were the rooms extending from the office hallway parallel to the alley.

In the fall of 1958 a new nursery school was started - The Elizabeth-Wayne Nursery School, which was organized and taught by Mrs. Kerchival Dean and started with an enrollment of fourteen. The school is still very much a part of St. Paul's life in 1974.

Donald Sharp, a vestryman and Treasurer of the Church, died in March of 1958 and according to his will the house that his wife occupied could be purchased by the Vestry after Mrs. Sharp moved to Hamburg, New York. The possibility of the Welfare Fund purchasing the house was considered. If it could be purchased, the Associate Minister could live in the Sharp house and the Comstock house be rented. It was also suggested that the Sharp Memorial Fund be used to refurnish the choir room and a motion was made and passed. In September, 1958, the Welfare Fund was used to purchase the Sharp house for $20,000.00 and with a few repairs and redecorating the house could be occupied by the Grahams by October 15, 1958.

A very interesting report was made at the May, 1959 meeting - "The Vestry approved the suggestion that a new sign be installed on the church and an additional sign on the Parish House". To date - 1974 - there have been no signs installed even though funds given as a memorial could be used.


A special meeting of the Vestry was called in August, 1959 because the Gosline property at 314 E. Dudley could be acquired and had been appraised at $17,000.00 and $18,500.00 and the Advisory Committee of the Welfare Fund had been authorized to offer not more than $19,000.00. The house was purchased in September, 1959, for $18,500.00 and immediately rented for $130.00 a month. Also the Hull property, the Wolcott House, had been appraised at $18,500.00 and the City of Maumee was interested in purchasing the property.

With the expense of the additions of four properties on East Dudley and the Educational Building, the urgency to do something about the termites, beetles and dry rot, this new project became "The Anniversary Project" to celebrate the 125th anniversary year of St. Paul's. At the 124th Annual Meeting held in January, 1960, the appointment of Dr. Willis Peck as Chairman was announced, John Richards was commissioned to draw up plans and present them to the parish.

Mrs. Margaret McKelvey had donated 355 shares of Standard Oil of California stock in December, 1959. This had netted $16,650.00 which she designated to pay for church landscaping and her current pledge. The balance of $12,000.00 was to help refurbish the church after the termite damage had been repaired. With this addition to the building funds, the Anniversary Committee and the architect drew up plans so that a special meeting of the Parish was called for May 9th. Slides and drawings were shown and there was general discussion. Dr. Peck stated that if we were to preserve our Church we must do something drastic. The pews were the only remaining original furniture and although many things had been done to the church there had been a general deterioration over the years.


The Anniversary Project (Chapel Renovation), 1960 (Ruth Cheney Miller)

At the June, 1960 vestry meeting the bid of one of five contractors - H. Suhrbier - was accepted for about $32,000.00 and the project was to start June 20, 1960. Actually the total cost of the renovation of the church was approximately $57,000.00. The memorial windows were to be removed and stored until they could be replaced in the church. However, some of the windows were damaged beyond repair. The lead was too old to hold the glass when the windows were moved and the broken glass could not be matched. The solution to this problem was to replace all the old windows with new ones, keeping the style of the new ones similar to the old one located at the entrance. Because of the loss of these memorial windows it was suggested that a plaque be made listing the windows and the names of those for whom the memorials were given. The architects were to supervise the selection of the new windows. According to the vestry minutes the colored glass memorial windows were crated by the Toledo Mirror and Glass Company and taken to the Willis Day Storage Company and were to be stored indefinitely. The renovation and refurbishing of the interior of the church were finished enough so that the first services were held October 20, 1960.


After final plans were made for the remodeling and refurnishing of the church, a project to make needlepoint kneelers was started. Members of the Helen Kreps Guild organized the undertaking with the help of many of the women of the parish and friends. Mrs. Paul Williams and Mrs. Lamson Rheinfrank were cochairmen. Mrs. Rheinfrank designed all the kneelers, incorporating Christian Symbols and selected the colors to be used. Mrs. Williams was the authority on the stitches and the teacher for those who needed help. The first two kneelers were completed by Mrs. James J. Secor which were used on the Pace in front of the Altar. More than 200 were made and as they were completed, the red velvet kneelers were removed until the needlepoint kneelers filled each pew in the Nave. The project was completed in 1963.


The City of Maumee made an offer of $15,000.00 for the Hull house. In September, 1960, the Vestry voted to accept the offer but with the provision that the Church hold the house for 30 to 60 days so that plans could be made for the historical articles found in the house. After the Hull House was purchased by the City of Maumee, efforts were made by the city to have the Historical Society take over the property. The Maumee Valley Historical Society became very active in trying to keep the Hull-Wolcott house, a museum, as Rilla Hull had stated in her Will. It was suggested that all items inventoried be stored until such time that they could be returned to the house if the house was repaired and renovated as a museum. If this plan did not materialize, the Vestry would or could take other action for the disposal of the items. In April the Maumee Valley Historical Society asked the removal of items be deferred because plans were progressing on using the house as a museum if the leasing of the property from the City became a reality. There were few reports given of the progress of the leasing of the Hull House by the Historical Society until June, 1962, when it was official that the house had been leased from the City for $1.00 a year and that the Northwest Ohio Historical Society had given some matching funds so that the prospects indicated a museum would be developed. The Hull House is now known as the Wolcott Museum.

After the Vestry and the parishioners decided to remodel and refurbish the church as a 125th anniversary project, other plans were made for the celebration and Whitsunday, May 21, 1961, was the date set. On that Sunday special Festival services were held and there was a hospitality hour after each service. On Monday night, the 22nd, a Historical Party was given and Dr. Louis Hirshson, the former Rector, was the guest speaker. Tuesday there was a luncheon given in the Parish House for those parishioners of 25 years or longer with the theme "The Old-Timers". Mrs. Paul Alexander presided over the affair and Dr. Hirshson was the guest. A family picnic was held on Wednesday at Fort Meigs.


John Davis, a representative of the Regional Survey Committee, presented a report to the Vestry May 15, 1961, recommending that a Parish be established in Perrysburg. This was the beginning of the steps taken to start and build St. Timothy. There were 37 families willing to support the Mission and although some would be from St. Paul's, the need for another Episcopal Church in the area led the Vestry and St. Paul's to offer their cooperation.

A motion was made at the April, 1962, Vestry meeting that Paul Heckters, then Clerk of the Vestry, be recommended to the Bishop as a candidate for Postulant. A letter was sent to the Vestry from the Dean of Bexley Hall at Gambier, that a recommendation had been received from the Bishop and that Paul Heckters had been accepted as a seminarian for Bexley Hall at Gambier in the fall term. His resignation as Clerk and member of the Vestry was accepted at the August, 1962, meeting. He was ordained a Deacon in 1965.

During the period from March to November, 1962, the minutes reported normal business: reports on the Youth Group, plans for the Lenten Services, the project of a small Men's Club, bills to be paid and the beginning of another "Every Member Canvass".

William Levis, a parishioner, died November 11, 1962 and memorial gifts were received. Part of the fund was earmarked for a special use as requested by Mrs. Levis. At the November Vestry meeting, a committee was appointed by the Rector to investigate the possibilities of purchasing a new console for the organ, and at the same time a committee was appointed to examine the whole music program of the Church. Because of the Levis fund and other memorial funds received and possible future donations, the Vestry was asked to list various projects and memorials that could be established.


The Bryan Green Mission committee was appointed in December, 1962, and was to cooperate with Trinity of Toledo for the plans for Bryan Green's arrival in February, 1963. At the same meeting, Mr. Graham reported on the Youth Group activities in making plans for the "Living Creche" to be presented December 20th through Christmas Eve in the church yard. and the plans for a choral festival to be held the evening of December 23rd. The "Living Creche" had been produced by the Youth Group for five years but the plans for 1962 were more elaborate and included more participation by other Maumee churches.

On one of the visits that Isabel and Malcolm Ward made to Florida, they bought a piece of land in Port Salerno with the hopes of building a retirement home. This home was built and completed in February, 1963, with the help of $15,000.00 as gifts from parishioners and a small amount from the Welfare Fund which was to be repaid. Mr. Ward also agreed that the house and grounds would revert to the Welfare Fund when it would no longer be used by both or either one of them. When the Wards moved to Stuart, Florida, the house was sold and the money returned to the Welfare Fund. Malcolm Ward was honored at Kenyon College on June 2, 1963, by the bestowal of a Doctor of Divinity Degree.


During the early months of 1963 the problems of bringing the kitchen up to health standards were brought before the Vestry. Very little had been done to the room since it was added in 1949. The equipment was old and unsanitary and the use of the kitchen for large meetings was being questioned by health inspectors. It was suggested that a committee meet with some members of the Women's Council. There were some plans and cost estimates made during the summer. Funds had to be found to cover the cost of remodeling - the cost being about $13,700.00 which included all new equipment except the stoves and the two coffee urns. After the October meeting, a motion was made to use the money received for the sale of the Hull House and to place a plaque in the kitchen in memory of Rilla Hull. Rilla had spent a great deal of her time and talent in the kitchens of St. Paul's and it was felt she would have been pleased to have the money from her home used for such a purpose. A contract was signed with D. A. Duffy and Son for $14,069.00 and the Women of St. Paul's agreed to pay the difference between the Hull House Fund and the actual cost. It was hoped that the project would be completed during the summer of 1964 but it wasn't in use until October.

One of the activities undertaken by the women of the Parish in 1962 was called "The Gift to the Christ Child". It was a project created by Miss Vanda Kerst, a senior member of the congregation and is believed to have been started in November 1962 at the Wednesday Workshops. Christmas decorations were made and delivered to city offices, churches, presidents of organizations and shut-ins. The women of the parish also were asked to bring a wrapped gift that could be given to others in and out of the parish family as a gift from St. Paul's. This project has been continued through the years.


Ralph Day, chairman of the Organ Committee, gave a lengthy report but because of costs and new suggestions the Vestry took no action. Mr. Muller, of Shantz Organ Company, had given estimates of the improvements needed. Little progress about the organ was reported, but in November, 1963, a discussion arose pertaining to moving the chimes console from the Rectory into the Bell Tower. From the Vestry minutes it seems the Organ Committee became inactive and on April 27, 1964, it was suggested that the committee be reactivated and be able to make a complete new report. However, the former committee asked to be excused due to the indecision as to how the Levis Memorial Fund was to be handled. Finally in September, recommendations made by John Richards and Mr. Muller were presented to the Vestry. A small building was to be added on the east side of the Church to house the organ mechanism and it was to conform with the present lines of the church building. The total cost should be under $30,000.00 and funds were to come from the memorial left for this purpose. Mr. Ward announced at the October meeting that Mrs. Levis would furnish the additional money to cover the entire project as a memorial to her husband and the cost was to be about $28,000.00.

John Richards presented bids at the December, 1964, meeting for the construction of the new organ installation and Earick Construction Company was awarded the job. At the same time Mr. John Gulick, representing the Schullmerick Company of Sellersville, Penna., explained the proposed system of electronic bells which would be attached to the organ keyboard and the mechanism installed inside the building. Because of the excessive cost the discussion was tabled for the time. In February two men were recommended by Gregory McKee to examine the old system and make a recommendation. Mr. McKee presented a report in March with the opinion that the overall system was in good shape and that it was already tied in with the console. These men were commissioned for the work. It was hoped that the project could be completed by June. The organ dedicatory service was held September 26, 1965.


Mr. Ward informed the Vestry in September, 1964, that after Christmas he would announce his retirement plans, including a date. At the December meeting he said he would retire July 1, 1965 and would send a letter to the parishioners in January. With the retirement date, it became necessary to arrange a meeting with the Bishop to consider a person to be called as Rector and January 17, 1965, the meeting was held. At the March 8, 1965, special meeting the Vestry approved the call of W. Howard Graham - unanimously - as Rector. The service of Institution for Mr. Graham was held September 26, 1965, Bishop Burroughs officiating.


Chapter IV
1965 to 1975

There was a special confidential meeting of the Vestry early in April to present plans for Malcolm Ward's retirement on June 20, 1965. The chairman for the event was Albert Spangler and he gave a brief summary of the committee's deliberations. The idea of a fund for Bexley Hall Library was discussed. This fund was to be used in the "Rare Book Room" that was planned for the new Lichtenberger Library. The Vestry agreed to underwrite the cost of a reception. At the same time there was a discussion to have portraits of Mr. Ward, to be presented to Bexley and to St. Paul's.

Soon after Howard Graham had accepted the call to become Rector, the need for an assistant was considered. A man was interviewed in February, 1966 but dropped. However, in May, Carl Carlozzi was called with the consent of the Bishop, to be Curate. He was to arrive about July 15, 1966 and would move into the house vacated by the Grahams when they moved into the Rectory.

It is interesting to note that details of Mr. Ward's retirement reception are missing except for a letter of gratitude sent to Mrs. Samuel Otwell who planned and directed the events including the invitation to Louis Hirshson to be a guest and the Master of Ceremonies. Wayne Street was to be blocked off from Elizabeth to White Street for the occasion. A report was given in July of the total money received for the R. Malcolm Ward Fund for the Bexley Hall Library which amounted to $9,059.00 and was to be held in Maumee until more set plans were available from the Bexley Committee.


Sometime between August and October, 1965 a proposal was made to remodel the Tower Room. Richards, Bauer and Moorhead were asked to prepare plans and to obtain an estimate of the cost. Earick Construction Company gave a cost of $8,680.00. Mr. Graham notified the Vestry in November that a gift of $5,000.00 had been given for the purpose but other funds would be necessary to cover the cost. At the same time in 1965, there was a discussion about establishing a permanent St. Paul's Memorial Endowment Fund and the Finance Committee was asked to make recommendations. In June, 1966, the Memorial Endowment Fund was set up with a few alterations and the Toledo Trust Company was to be the agent. The Vestry also approved the recommendations of Carl C. Carlozzi to the Bishop for admission to the priesthood. Plans were made for his ordination February 12, 1967 with the Bishop of Southwestern Brazil officiating. This was the second ordination at St. Paul's - the first in 1926 for Louis Hirshson. Carl Carlozzi was assistant until August, 1967 when he resigned and took an assistantship in New Jersey. Again it was necessary to find a suitable replacement.

The Vestry awarded the contract for remodeling the Bell Tower Room to Stanford E. Thal, Inc. in February, 1966, for about $9,000.00 after specifications and drawings were examined. Mr. McKee's men were to move the chimes control box upstairs to the choir vesting room for $240.00. The added funds needed would be borrowed from the Memorial Endowment Fund. It was completed and dedicated in the fall of 1966.

After the new organ was installed and all the pipes were removed from the area over the Sacristy, it was decided that that space should be used. It was necessary to make an entrance into the room through the wall in the choir vesting room. This was done in 1966 and with the financial help of the Women's Council, the electric cables were lowered and a floor was installed. This room is now used as a general storeroom.


St. Timothy's and St. Paul's discussed the need for a Director of Christian Education at a meeting in September, 1967, and plans were made to have such a person serve both parishes. Mrs. Samuel Otwell accepted the job and divided her time between Perrysburg and Maumee. She became involved in the Cross of Nails Vigil, the plans of which were presented to the Vestry in October and the Cross of Nails was to be held November 6, 1967.

There were a number of women of the Parish who took part in the "Growing Pains" of the Neighborhood Project in 1958. It started with a few small groups attempting to get people in the parish to know their neighbors and to have better means of communication. Because of the growth of the parish and the wide area it covered, it became necessary to have a chairman in each small area and by 1967 there were 47 chairmen covering fifteen towns. Mrs. Victor Gowdy started organizing the project and when she had to leave Mrs. Samuel Otwell headed it for five years. Mrs. C. H. Cubbedge became general chairman for the next several years. When it was necessary for her to resign, Mrs. Otwell again took over the chairmanship and still has it in 1974.

Robert Thompson was present at the March, 1968 Vestry meeting. He was to graduate from Bexley Hall in the spring. In April the Vestry asked him to be the assistant to Mr. Graham and he accepted. He arrived during the summer and in October the Vestry signed a letter declaring him to be eligible to be ordained to the priesthood. He was ordained January 2, 1969 at St. Paul's, Bishop Burt conducting the service. Robert Thompson resigned from St. Paul's March, 1971 and left the week after Easter - April 18, 1971, to become Vicar at St. Stephen's in Peoria, Illinois.


There had been a number of Shrove Tuesday suppers organized and run by the Men's Club. When Mr. Ward was Rector, he was chief cook of the sausages and the dinners were very successful. However, they were discontinued because of lack of workers. In February, 1969, the project was reactivated and it was a success from the standpoint of getting people together for fun and food but not a good financial venture.

A library for St. Paul's had been started in 1956 by Mrs. John Caple with a few books, either donated or purchased. As the library grew many women helped to catalogue and to staff the project. Eventually, three large folding book carts were purchased and the feasibility of building a special church library was discussed at length at the April Vestry meeting. Mrs. Otwell, Director of Christian Education and Mrs. Vinnedge, Librarian, were present and it was decided to have the House and Grounds Committee give it further study. No doubt there were studies made about building a library but they were not reported in the 1969 minutes of the vestry. When it became known that Bexley Hall was to be moved to Rochester, New York, a more serious plan was developed for St. Paul's and in December, 1970, a contract was awarded to Carl Werner, Builder, for the construction of the present library. John Richards drew up the plans and gave an estimated cost. Work began the first week in January, 1971. With Malcolm Ward's endorsement of the project, the funds raised at the time of his retirement, after thirty years of service, would be used for the "R. Malcolm Ward Library of St. Paul's." It was completed and dedicated on June 20, 1971.


R. Malcolm Ward Library of St. Paul's, 1971 (Ruth Cheney Miller)

Soon after Robert Thompson came to St. Paul's he was involved with the Youth Group which became a community group. He recommended that a Youth Center be established for them. St. Paul's had no facility to take on this project and because of the interest, it was hoped it could be a city project. Plans were presented but the cost of such a center was prohibitive at that time and most of the group who were active were not St. Paul's young people.

During a number of years the Vestries had discussed the possibility of selling the land on the river to the Indian Hills Boat Club. They had leased it for some time and had been made offers. There were legal problems because the land had been willed to St. Paul's by Rilla Hull. In the fall of 1969, the offer presented was again turned down by the Vestry.


The Reverend Canon Bryan Green, Rector of Birmingham, England, came to St. Pauls' in 1970. He was here from February 4th to 11th on a preaching mission, the first stop on his winter series in the United States. It was very successful and well attended and hopes were expressed that he would return.

At the summer Vestry meeting there was serious discussion about remodeling the kitchen in the Rectory. Little had been done to that room since the house was moved to its present location in 1934. In July, 1970, the Building and Grounds Committee was authorized to start the project. In February, 1971, the plans for the Rectory kitchen were discussed and estimated to cost about $7,500.00. The first bids were reported to the Vestry at the April meeting, all of them above the estimated cost. The Vestry authorized William Clark, Chairman, to award the contract to the company he thought offered the best bid for the work. Sometime between the April meeting and the meeting in September, the contract was awarded and the work was completed in October.

Bell Tower Room Glass Enclosed Cabinet, 1971 (Ruth Cheney Miller)


At the September, 1970, Vestry meeting a motion was made to purchase a glass enclosed cabinet for the Bell Tower Room to display historical articles of the church. It was recommended that the cost of this addition come from Virginia Taylor's Altar Guild gift of $1,000.00. The contract was awarded to John Sauder Company of Archbold, the same company that did the woodwork for the church in 1960. The cabinet was installed in 1971.

With the resignation of Robert Thompson in the spring of 1971, St. Paul's Parish was again faced with the selection of either a full-time assistant or several part-time clergy. Part-time help was not the answer and at the request of Bishop Burt, Ernest Harrelson was invited to meet the Vestry April 23rd and 24th. Mr. Harrelson was still in the seminary and would be ordained in June. At the May Vestry meeting Mr. Graham stated that two men and their wives were interviewed and after some discussion it was decided to call Ernest Harrelson and to make the house at 302 East Dudley available. Mr. Harrelson was ordained at Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland June 20, 1971, and arrived here July 1st. He took on the job of directing the Parish immediately because Mr. Graham was to have a month's vacation. In the fall Mr. Harrelson was involved in the Youth Group's confirmation classes and Christian Education. It was in February, 1972 that a letter was submitted to the Bishop requesting that he be admitted to the Sacred Order of Priests and on May 20, 1972, he was ordained at St. Paul's.


In the spring of 1972 there was a discussion about the possibility of creating a Special Endowment Fund which would be a source of income to be used for immediate repairs and upkeep of St. Paul's. The idea was presented to the Finance Committee and progress reports were to be made later. The report was presented at the April Vestry meeting by Dr. Willis Peck. A special fund could be established, the interest of which could be used for the needed maintenance of the church. He urged the Vestry to develop such a fund and implement it immediately. At the May Vestry meeting Dr. Peck reported a fund had been created and was to be called The Preservation Fund. By October, 1972, the fund had grown to more than $55,000.00 through gifts. It was hoped by the Preservation Committee that a sum of $150,000.00 could be accumulated and the income from this could be used for maintenance of the physical plant. The funds in excess of that amount could be used to acquire new properties. This fund was to be legally controlled by the Trustees (Vestry) and the Advisory Committee.

At the Vestry meeting last part of 1972 and for several months in 1973, a great deal of time and effort was spent to present in legal forms the intent of the different funds created at St. Paul's. The Welfare Fund, the Memorial Endowment Fund, Special Gifts Fund and the last one added, the Preservation Fund. Advisory Committees or Trustees were continued, reappointed or newly selected during this period.

There were six members elected to the Vestry in 1970 and Margaret Moore was the first woman elected for the three year term.


It was decided in 1971 to increase the number of members on the Vestry to 21; seven parishioners were elected at the 1972 Annual Meeting and two of them women. The meetings that were held in 1972 seemed to demand longer and longer minutes in order to cover the reports that were given. Comparing these minutes one finds they contained the same information: need for church repairs, for money, for help on the different committees. In reading these minutes one had to leave much to the imagination and make assumptions as to the actual results. There were many reports made about local, regional and diocesan projects and plans. There was the Church Renewal and Evangelism Committee which prepared a questionnaire for the Parish. There was a great deal of discussion about the Toledo Council of Churches. There were meetings of the Ecumenical Council which was making plans for the return of Bryan Green in November, 1973.

The Women's Council gave $2,000.00 to the Church in the summer of 1972 with the condition that it be spent to replace the windows in the Parish Hall and add storm windows. However the old windows were not replaced but were repaired and storm windows were installed for the Hall, Guild Room, Library and later the windows of the Rectory and the Assistant's house. At the same time $1,000.00 was given to the newly created Preservation Fund. During the summer bids were asked for the outside painting of the Church and for a new roof for the Church building and the Parish Hall. Both projects had been needed for a long time but other things seemed to take priority. However, at the September, 1973, Vestry meeting, the chairman of the House and Grounds Committee reported a long list of accomplishments: the windows were in, the outside painting and the roof completed, also the Assistant's house painted and the rental homes and some of the rooms in the Church building painted.


Then once again St. Paul's was to lose its Assistant Rector. In October Ernest Harrelson informed the Vestry he had accepted a call to Grace Church in Ravenna, Ohio and would be leaving the first week of December. A reception and farewell party were held for the Harrelsons after the Sunday Service on December 9th, 1973, and they left Maumee late that afternoon.

From July, 1965 to December, 1973, St. Paul's had called three Curates to assist the Rector. The time of serving was less than two years to over two years. Each one came to Maumee immediately after finishing his courses at a Seminary. Each one had talent and applied it and all three were quite different. Because of their age, in their 20's, they were effective with the youth of the Parish. They were called upon to train and teach for Confirmation and other services. They supervised some of the recreational programs. Now at the beginning of the New Year, 1974, a new assistant was needed. A search was started with men who had served in a Parish but the number who were eligible or available was very limited so once again seniors in the Seminaries were considered. In April Geoffrey Price, from Virginia Seminary, visited St. Paul's and after being interviewed by the Vestry, the Vestry issued a call to him to come following his ordination in Cleveland in June. He arrived in Maumee the middle of June and so will become the Fourth Assistant and the Fifth Curate to serve at St. Paul's.

Dr. Bernard Boyd from the University of North Carolina came to St. Paul's to speak at one of the Lenten Services in March, 1974. At that time Mr. Graham was asked to participate in the "dig" at Beer-Sheba. He gave it serious consideration, and decided to take his vacation in Israel. He left for BeerSheba July 18th and was to return August 10th.



Trying to cover 140 years of ideas and growth of one Parish and then the 133 years since the birth of St. Paul's has been difficult because of the few records found and because many of those available are lacking in complete information. It has become necessary to "interpret" and "assume" what Vestries and committees meant to convey in their reports. I am sure there are many errors and many wrong assumptions, but I have tried to put together the Chronological history of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Maumee, Ohio. I have omitted many things on purpose but I have probably omitted many other things by accident. My main objective was to put into writing more than that which was found in James Evans' " A Brief History" printed in 1955. I have not added lists of Vestrymen, organists, the names of the Memorial Windows nor the names of the present membership. All that information can be found in the Church Records and need not be repeated here.

The sources I have used are as follows:

A Brief History - 1836 - 1955 by James Evans

All available Parish and Vestry Minutes

Records of Deeds - Lucas County - Vol. 10 - page 515, Vol. 30 - page 308, Vol. 1639 - page 498, Vol. 1650 - page 390

The Church Record Book - (1837 - 1909)

The 125th Anniversary Book of St. Paul's - (1836 - 1961)

The Story of St. Paul's - (1835 - 1932)

St. Paul's News Letter - (April, 1931)

Church Bulletins - (1963 - 1973)

Many undated pictures and a scrap book made by Mary Clay

L. M. Hirshson, R. Malcolm Ward, W. Howard Graham, Rectors

Miss Bessie Burdo

A collection of newspaper clippings that came to the Church

To many individuals who helped me by remembering some "incident".

I would like to conclude this History with some of the impressions I have gathered. There were a few items that I found which appeared in practically all the minutes and reports, the need for money to pay for repairs. This started at the beginning of our Church and you will find the same need today in 1974. With the need for money the question was - how to raise it? By special campaigns, every member canvass, personal contact, by mail. Then after pledges were made, the question was how to have them paid up or collected or whether they should be just forgotten. The fluctuation of the number of vestrymen elected was from two to twenty-one. One year it was increased and the next year it would be decreased until the rotating vestry was adopted and then the number elected varied only to the number that retired. Through all the years it was most evident the Women's Organizations were the ones that came to the rescue when things were needed. They raised money for sidewalks, fences, taxes, paint, remodeling, in amounts from $20 to $2,000.00. I hope in the future the Vestries will give clearer information in their minutes as to the contents of reports and dates when some project mentioned was actually completed. Hopefully I pray that the History of St. Paul's will be recorded as it occurs over the coming years.

return to Table of Contents

Book cover of St. Paul's History (Ruth Cheney Miller)

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Supplement to




Maumee, Ohio

Ruth Cheney Miller

Supplement Prologue

I stopped writing St. Pauls History in June, 1974. The first printing was done in January, 1975. Six years have passed, and we have celebrated our 145th Anniversary on March 14, 1981. I have been asked to fill in the years 1974 to 1981 with the records available with any information I might otherwise find. We wish to add to that which we have accomplished, as well as to indicate some of our hopes, and to deepen our faith in our beloved St. Pauls, Maumee.

I thought my writing days were over in January 1974. I had written a book. I was an "author". The book was published. However, events kept on happening. The Vestry had selected Geoffrey Price from Virginia Seminary, who was ordained a Deacon in Cleveland, June 1974. He was ordained Priest April 26, 1975 at St. Pauls. Up to that time the Vestry had called five assistants, and we had five ordinations to the Priesthood from 1967 to 1975.

Ruth Cheney Miller's Signature

return to Table of Contents

1974 to 1981

For those persons who have read "The History of St. Paul's", some of the following may seem familiar, but for those who know nothing about the book, I want to quote from the Epilogue. "Hopefully I pray that the history of St. Paul's will be recorded as it occurs during the coming years." That prayer has not been answered.

In the preceeding six years there had been changes. New problems had appeared for the church, the city, the region, the state, the nation, and the world. We all need so much but there doesn't seem to be enough money to do everything.

We were blessed at St. Paul's to have had a leader, Dr. Willis Peck, who with the Rector looked ahead and created the Preservation Fund, stipulating that only interest be used to keep our buildings in repair. Of course, larger amounts would be covered by other means. I found the same lists of needs given to the Vestry by the House and Grounds Committee almost every month. If some of the "needs" were done or accomplished then a few more were added. To give you an idea of the concerns of the Vestry in 1975, we needed a new heating system; new carpeting in church halls; bell tower; offices; new roofing; ceiling in gym; new lighting for the gym; new floor for the kitchen; storm windows and screens for the nave; storm windows for the gym, Guild Room, library, and offices.


In order to help the Rector, a Business Manager was appointed in 1975. Don Lyon had retired and was willing to undertake the job as a volunteer. It was also in 1975 that the Vestry made a motion to reduce the number of Vestrymen from 21 to 15 and to present the proposition to the 1976 Annual Meeting. The motion was passed, and five members were elected instead of seven for a three year term.

In October 1974, the Vestry learned the Getz house at 314 E. Dudley might be for sale. The Vestry investigated, and it was eventually purchased by the parish in July, 1977 for $12,500.00.

Ideas and recommendations for a Bi-centennial celebration began to appear in Vestry minutes. The Rev. Martin Bell presented a program on "Lay Ministry" as part of the Lenten Program. Youth groups, and a young couples' club were formed with stress on hope, faith, and love. We celebrated July 4, 1976 with a parade, with food, popcorn, balloons, and games on the church lawn. A 7:00 a.m. communion service on Wednesdays was started and continues to the present time.

1976 had started with the news that we had not reached our budget goal, therefore some of the "needs" named by the House and Grounds Committee had to be postponed. However, in April the offices were recarpeted. The Women's Council gave $1500 towards the purchase of new carpet for the church, the balance coming from income from the Preservation Fund. A gift was received to install a hand railing for the Elizabeth Street steps near the office. A protective window was installed over the Baptistery stained glass window, and a new floor covering for the kitchen was paid for by the Women's Council.


St. Paul's was designated as an Historical Site and a plaque was received from the Maumee Valley Historical Society. The '76 committee suggested a "time capsule" be placed behind .the plaque, but it was too expensive an enterprise and was dropped. We also learned that for some years we had been listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings.

Goeff Price notified the Vestry in March 1976 that he would be leaving in the early summer to return to Virginia, so that his wife, Jan, could enter the Priesthood from Virginia Seminary. Again we were without an assistant. Three men were interviewed by the Vestry. One was Jim Dugan who had been ordained a Deacon. He received a call from the Vestry in March 1977 and was ordained to the Priesthood in June 1977.

Business Manager, Don Lyon became ill in the early spring of 1977, and Richard Foote was asked to replace him. He was a retired broker and was a great help to the Vestry especially with reports about the church trust funds.


Heating problems became a top priority, and the Vestry authorized the House and Grounds committee to obtain estimates to replace the old steam boiler. The gas company had asked for gas curtailment in the Fall of 1976. It was not until March 1, 1977 that these curtailments were lifted. In May 1977 the Vestry authorized the Johnson Company to install a new furnace, completion to be October 17, 1977. The final cost was $32,000.00

At the March Vestry meeting Howard read a letter from Tom Day of the Willis Day Storage Co. The company needed the space that was being used for storing the broken stained glass windows kept there since 1960. Dick Sherer, a member of the church and who was in the stained glass business received them. Later he restored one of the windows and made a number of ornaments from the glass of the shattered ones.

Dick Foote moved to Florida in November 1977. Bud Heymann was appointed Business Manager in 1978. Pam Ricciardi became parish secretary when Carol Delger resigned to live in Michigan. Pam resigned in September 1979 when Jean Parks became the church secretary. The House and Grounds committee had the storm windows installed in the office before the winter arrived. Marilyn Dean became bookkeeper, resigning April, 1979.


At the last Vestry meeting in 1978 a suggestion was made by Tracy Wimberly and Ed Littrell co-chairmen of the Outreach Committee, that St. Paul's might sponsor a "Boat Family". The Vestry supported the idea and a family was sponsored. A report was made for the possible cost of a "Boat Family", from $200 to $2500, and listed items to be considered such as a job, housing, medical care and integration. Our "Boat Family" turned out to be Laotians, arriving in July 1979, the Sayarat family - a mother, father, and daughter. However, in the Fall the family increased to four - another daughter. An apartment was found for them, and they moved from the Otwell's home to their apartment September 2, 1979. a Fund was set up for the "Boat Family" for $2500, the money coming from the "Getz Outreach Fund".

When the Vestry met for the first time in February, needs and concerns were listed and discussed. The proposed budget for 1979 was $144,197, but the goal had not been reached Some of the topics mentioned were possible property acquisition, needs for the library such as better lighting and more shelf space. Also there was considerable discussion about Venture Into Mission and Evangelism.

Jim Dugan wrote a letter dated March 8, 1979 stating his plan to leave St. Paul's to join the Monastic Order of the Holy Cross in Upper State New York. However, in April, he announced he had decided to remain at St. Paul's for he had received many letters and personal calls urging him to stay.


At the March Vestry meeting, the House and Grounds committee reported that Jack Schultz would work part time on some of the projects being planned, and estimates were obtained for storm windows in the gym, a new roof for the assistant's garage, and bids for gutters and downspouts.

Pledges for 1978 were still under the goal and a telephone campaign was considered, but after consideration, was dropped. The same type of reports were being heard at every Vestry meeting, month after month, and the same answers were made "We don't have sufficient funds for the project". However, in May 1978 the Women's Council resolved to share the financial burden by giving $4000 a year toward the budget. This money would help cover some of the expenses that Council had been paying but were now being paid by the Vestry.

In July 1978, at a special Vestry meeting a motion was made to sell the Getz house for a minimum of $20,000, the money to be put in a special fund. The motion was carried and in August the house was sold to Archie Nelson, 50% of the gain was given to Laura Getz and the balance was put into an "Outreach Fund", at Laura Getz request.


A great deal of Vestry time was spent in the May 1979 meeting concerning St. Paul's participation in Venture Into Mission. There were motions made and defeated, made and rescinded, made and carried. Eventually the parish pledged $20,000 to the Diocese. During the summer of 1979 the ceilings of the church, of the gym, the organ room were insulated, carpeting installed in the bell tower room, and repairs made in the skylight room so it could be painted when the second floor of the Educational building was done. At the June Vestry meeting all the House and Grounds items presented were approved including refinishing the front doors. Storm windows were installed, painting was done, new lighting was installed in the gym and a new sewer put in at the Rectory. It seemed more was accomplished in that period than any other time in the past five years. The Vestry authorized the hiring of a bookkeeper, the salary not to exceed $1500 a quarter. Vestry also passed a motion to give intent to purchase the Gannon house at 319 E. Dudley. Unfortunately our bid was refused and another bid was accepted.

Roberta French was employed as the new bookkeeper in October, 1979. In December 1979 I find things that were supposed to have been done which had not been done, such as the refinishing of the gym floor.

The possibility of a free standing Holy Table was presented by the Vestry at the Annual Meeting in January, 1980. A temporary table had been made and put into place the week before the meeting. The cost given was approximately $1700 plus the cost of linens and hangings. After much discussion a vote was taken and the proposed free-standing Holy Table was defeated. The old memorial Altar was to remain.


A pledge from Women's Council was made in February 1980 of $5000 to defray added expenses such as some hourly wages, baby sitting, and supplies that were needed.

Women's Council also informed Vestry of some of the unlisted gifts they had made: Choir robes, acolyte vestments, cleaning of Guild Room drapes and other contributions to local and regional projects such as Halfway House. Total contributions amounted to over $3000.

Several gifts were given to specific church funds from anonymous donors. In April $300 was given to the Outreach Committee from the Getz account to underwrite "Paul's Peers" program.


A letter from Jim Dugan received in June 1980 stated he would be leaving St. Paul's July 20, 1980 to become Rector of St. Paul's, Oregon, Ohio, August 1. Once again the Vestry had to start looking for a replacement. The Rev. John VanDuyne, chairman of the Special Education Department, at Bowling Green State University and a Priest living in Maumee agreed to serve as a Sunday assistant until a replacement could be found.

During the sunmer of 1980, the parish had three receptions on three different Sundays. The first was a farewell to Jim Dugan, the second was to honor Linda Smith who had been ordained a Deacon and would later be ordained a Priest. The third was to celebrate Malcolm Ward's 80th birthday on August 2.

Cliff Dussel Insurance Company increased the coverage of the church. Because of inflation it was found necessax to re-evaluate St. Paul's assets. A special Finance meeting was held in August to explain and discuss changes in the different funds. In September Roberta French resigned to move to Phoenix. Hazel Dussel took over the bookkeeping job.


St. Paul's was chosen by the Board of Elections to be the official voting place for those districts which had previously voted in the Library. We were selected becasuse of easy access for the handicapped.

Up to the end of December, it was decided by the Vestry and the Rector that the church did not have the money to call or hire an assistant. There had been come effort made through the Bishop and other personal contacts, but it was decided to make no move until after the Annual Meetings in January, 1981 until the Vestry was certain of our ability to afford another clergyman.

The Maumee Chamber of Commerce presented the Outstanding Citizen Award to Howard Graham December 3, 1980 at the Annual Service Club Dinner. In the announcements Howard's interests and activities were listed. The plaque now hangs in his office.


Supplement Epilogue

So - six and a half years are added to the history of St. Paul's. Most of the information came from the monthly Vestry meetings, some from minutes of Annual Meetings, also the weekly Newsletters which were very helpful. Some information came from the minutes of the Women's Council. The Spring and Fall Rummage Sales made possible by the cooperation of all the women of the church earn money to help St. Paul's financially and to be active in all fields of service.

To update St. Paul's history was hard work. It seemed the months went by quickly, but progress was slow. The material used is available for anyone to read but cannot be taken out of the church. Perhaps someone will write the history, year by year. By 1981 we will have another assistant minister and so time goes on.

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Supplement Epilogue #2

Our corporate and grateful thanks are due Ruth Miller for her careful diligence in providing this supplement to our parish history. Few people realize the volumes of minutes, financial reports, letters, etc., which must be gone through to produce the kind of information we now have in this addition as well as in the original book she authored.

Ruth, we salute you.

St. Paul's Vestry
W. H. Graham, Rector

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Appendix A
A Brief History
of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
Maumee, Ohio
By James M. Evans

Fort Miami was the center for wharves, homes, and business in the Village of Maumee. Judge James Wolcott, one of the original signers of the parish Articles of Incorporation, built his home at 1031 River Road. He made land available as the sight of Saint Paul's first building. A small Chapel was built by the parishoners in 1837 northeast of Wolcott's home. It is believed to have been built of logs, faced with lumber. The Chapel served as a place of worship until 1841.

The Reverend Burton M. Hikox was sent in 1837 by the General Board of Missions to serve Saint Paul's and several other parishes in the area.

Construction of a second building was started by Saint Paul's parish in l84l at the corner of Broadway and Conant Street. Before it was completed it was sold to a Catholic priest, Reverend Joseph McNamee, for $400.

The present church building was erected in 1841, upon land donated by Judge Wolcott. The bricks were brought by scow from Thorton Brickyard in Perrysburg. The window above the altar was installed. It contains the figure of Saint Paul holding the Sword of Faith, the Chalice, the Bible and the Candle of Light. The parish had no rector during this construction period.

The parish went in and out of debt. In 1852 the church was about to be sold for debt. The Reverend Mark Richard Jukes took charge as the first fulltime rector. He raised funds, paid the debt and revived the work of the parish.

The original altar now stands in the Baptistry. It is a small table donated by a communicant.

In 1953, the walls of the church and chancel were redecorated and new lights installed, conforming with the architecture of the church.

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Appendix B
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
History Bi-Fold

Ruth Cheney Miller's St. Paul's Episcopal Church Bi-Fold, page 1)
Ruth Cheney Miller's St. Paul's Episcopal Church Bi-Fold, page 2)
Ruth Cheney Miller's St. Paul's Episcopal Church Bi-Fold, page 3)
Ruth Cheney Miller's St. Paul's Episcopal Church Bi-Fold, page 4)

Appendix C
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Historic Highlights

St. Paul's is the first Episcopal parish established in northwest Ohio.

The parish was established by the Reverend Burton Hickox, a missionary priest.

The first services were held in a chapel on the grounds of the Wolcott House.

The first church building was on West Harrison St. and was later sold to the Catholic Church.

The present church was completed in 1841.

The architecture is neo-Gothic, sometimes referred to as "rural Gothic" because of it's simplicity. Typical Gothic features are the lancet windows and front doors.

The church originally supported a 4 spired square crenelated bell tower. The tower was removed in the 1880's due to concern for safety and pilasters were added to reinforce the walls.

The Chancel and Sacristy were added c. 1900 - 1904.

The Parish Hall was dedicated in 1926.

The Bell Tower, a gift of Mrs. Rathbun Fuller, was added in 1938.

The Education Building was completed in 1958.

The church interior was remodeled in 1960. (Thanks to the discovery of termites!)

The R. Malcolm Ward Library was added in 1971.

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Appendix D
Parish History Summary

St. Paul's Bell Tower in winter

Since it's incorporation as the "First Protestant Episcopal Church and Society of Maumee and Miami City" in 1836, St. Paul's has remained a spiritual and temporal landmark in the Maumee Valley.

The parish began in the mid-1830's when a small log chapel was constructed on the grounds of James and Mary Wolcott's home in the "lower end" of Maumee. The Reverend Burton Hickox, "a man of distinguished eloquence and piety," arrived from the East in 1837 to tend these remote worshippers on the edge of civilization. Hickox held services on Sunday afternoons in the chapel so that he could share his message with the Episcopal mission in Toledo (Trinity Church) and other members of his scattered flock.

Soon after Hickox's arrival, a "neat edifice" at the "upper end" of town was under construction. St. Paul's was the first area congregation to utilize an organ and a "respectable choir" in the worship service. By the time this chapel was completed in the summer of 1837, parishioners were already considering a larger and grander house of worship.

The current church was built in 1841 on land donated by Judge Wolcott. The neo-Gothic architecture reflected a fascination with ritual and tradition. In addition to the high peaked roof, the elongated lancet windows, and doorways, the early structure supported a four-spired square bell tower. It was removed in the 1880's on account of its weight. The supporting beams of the brick church were handhewn. Tree bark still remains on many of the rafters. Furnishings were likely made by local artisans and the original altar, a small table, still stands in the baptistry as a reminder of a humble beginning.

For over a century and a half, a succession of dedicated clergymen have guided St. Paul's through prosperity and adversity. The Reverend Hickox, during his relatively short ministry, was first to establish a tradition of community service and involvement. He spoke openly of the evils of slavery and pushed for the formation of an Anti-Slavery Society in Maumee. He also joined neighboring clerics in the formation of a Temperance Society.

Also notable is the Reverend Mark Jukes, who began his ministry at St. Paul's in 1852. Jukes and his wife, Harriet, set an example of selflessness and service during the cholera epidemic of 1854 as the pestilence nearly decimated the community. Jukes, in spite of the obvious dangers, persisted in caring for the sick and dying until he too, succumbed to the deadly disease. Harriet was stricken on the eve of his funeral, leaving six orphaned children. Her letters to England offer a stirring account of life in Maumee and the St. Paul's community. The letters are a testimony to her faith in God, her compassion for others, and the perils of the disease.

As the role of the church in the community and in the lives of its parishioners has expanded, the physical church has grown accordingly, beginning with the Chancel and Sacristy. The rectory, built in 1836, was relocated in 1934 to allow construction for the new parish hail. The tower, and its twenty-five bell Degan Carrillon, was added in 1938. The Education Building was constructed in 1958 and has been the home of a parish sponsored preschool ever since. The Rev. Malcom Ward Library was added in 1971. The Respite Program was begun in 1990.

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Appendix E
Rectors or Missionaries
Serving St. Paul's Episcopal Church

1837 - Burton H. Hickox
1840 - J. S. Large
1844 - 1845 - George B. Sturges
1846 - David J. Berger
1847 - 1850 - Oliver Taylor
1852 - 1854 - Mark Rich Jukes
1855 - 1856 - Darius Barker
1858 - Edward Winthrop
1859 - 1874 - John Swan
1875 - 1879 - A. T. Perkins
1878 - Edward L. Kemp
1879 - Samuel Moran 1879 - Hahn C. Blackibon
1879 - Chester F. Adams
1880 - Charles Ayes
1883 - G. S. May
1884 - S.W. Walton
1885 - 1888 - W. C. Hopkins
1889 - 1890 - Marcus H. Martin
1892 - 1896 - John W. Sykes
1899 - 1902 - L.P. McDonald (R), C. W. Nauman
1903 - 1915 - Lewis E. Daniels (R)
1915 - 1916 - J. S. Carrie (R)
1917 - 1926 - William S. Banks (R)
1926 - 1935 - Louis M. Hirshson (R)
1935 - 1965 - R. Malcolm Ward (R)
1965 - W. Howard Graham

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This page last updated on 2-8-2024.