       St. Paul's Episcopal Church
              (Maumee, Ohio)




              John R. Green

          Directed by Jim Rudes

        (in order of appearance)

 Pontius Pilate..........Matthew Alexander
 Tornotto............Adrian Warnock-Graham
 Claudia....................Melanie McGraw
 Caiaphas..................Richard Huffman
 Mary Magdalene..................Jan Cline 
 Director's note:  "The Easter of Claudia"
 is an extraordinary story of love and de-
 votion between Pontius Pilate and his wife,
 Claudia.  This loving relationship is put
 to a stern test because of Pilate's obses-
 sive allegiance to Caesar and Claudia's
 devotion to Christ.  The clash comes to a
 climax on resurrection morning.

 This first public presentation of  "The
 Easter of Claudia" is lovingly dedicated
 to the Reverend Mr. John R. Green.

    (At St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 
             Maumee, Ohio
        on Palm Sunday, 1995,
     at St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
             Oregon, Ohio
     on the Fifth Sunday of Easter, 1995)

1995 Easter Letter

   (A post presentation letter from
          John R. Green)

      The enclosed cassette video tape of
 "The Easter of Claudia" was taken by an
 amateur camera, and is a reproduction of
 the original tape.
      The lady sitting at the rear of the
 chancel has nothing to do with the play.
 She is Trish Barker, and outstanding lay
 person, who is on the Diocesan Council.
 She was unable to join the choir in the
 pews for the viewing of the performance.
      Be sure to keep the sound volume
 high.   Pontius Pilae, Claudia, and
 Toronotto are  played by teen agers.  
 Adrian Graham is the grandson of Howard
      The performance was on Palm Sunday,
 1995.  The cast members remarked that 
 their performance was better in the
 churches they played on the following
 Sundays, but I think they did well in 
 the initial showing.
      You may keep this tape.


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Freed To Publish

This page last updated on 6-11-2023.